Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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Economica, CADE) in November 2021, and InfraCo was million homes with fiber by 2025.
duly renamed V.tal. Post-closing, V.tal will position itself (May 6, 2022)
as a neutral network provider, and aims to pass 32
Innovation, Science and Economic Development The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry,
Canada (ISED) has opened its mmWave Licensing Francois-Philippe Champagne, yesterday announced a
Framework Consultation, proposing to make more 5G new proposed policy direction in the telecoms sector
Canada spectrum available to develop higher quality services which will require the Canadian Radio-television and
and innovative new applications. According to ISED,
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to put in
the mmWave 26GHz, 28GHz and 38GHz bands are place new rules to improve competition and support
expected to support both highly localized mobile 5G consumers, aimed at achieving lower prices and better
services (such as in crowded sports arenas) and new services, declaring that: ‘While the progress we have
applications from industries such as manufacturing made and witnessed to date on lowering prices is
and transportation. The consultation follows a encouraging, more needs to be done. Canadians still pay
spectrum repurposing decision announced in 2019, too much for their internet and cellphone services.’ The
with the mmWave license auction planned for 2024. new approach sets out to: ‘enhance wholesale internet
The consultation also proposes to make additional access and competition; increase mobile wireless
mmWave spectrum available through a future non- competition; improve consumer rights; speed up new
competitive licensing process to support new and infrastructure for universal access; and build better
non-traditional users. The consultation’s closing date regulations to better support Canadian consumers.’
for initial comments is 6 September 2022 with ‘reply The statement clarified: ‘the new policy direction would
comments’ accepted until 7 October 2022. Currently require the CRTC to support a wholesale internet regime
there are satellite service licensees in all three mmWave that is sustainable, effective and fair, because wholesale
bands but satellite earth stations are only licensed in broadband is a proven regulatory tool for increasing
the 28GHz band, while there are fixed service licenses retail competition in the internet service market. The
in the 38GHz band only. In 2019 ISED implemented new direction will directly improve this important tool,
a moratorium on new 26GHz, 28GHz and 38GHz strengthen support for competitors and ensure that
terrestrial service licenses, and once the new licensing they continue to have a fair chance at entering markets
framework is established for these bands, the previous to offer more options for Canadian consumers. This
framework for terrestrial services will no longer apply, will be implemented as part of this broader direction to
while ISED has set out a transition plan for incumbent improve telecommunications services and consumer
frequency holders. (June 8, 2022) protection.’ (May 27, 2022)
China’s three mobile players signed up an additional with both 5G service plans and compatible handsets is
30.1 million 5G package subscribers in May, taking much lower than the package counts. In March, China
their combined figure to 899.3 million and accounting Mobile revealed it had 190 million real 5G users at end-
for the vast majority of the global total. China Mobile 2021 compared with 387 million package customers.
China added 18.2 million to end May with 495.1 million. Since China Mobile’s total mobile subscribers increased by
the beginning of the year, it picked up 108 million. Rival 9.7 million in May to 966.6 million and China Telecom’s
China Telecom added 7 million in May, taking its total to by 8.7 million to 381.1 million. China Unicom hasn’t
224.5 million, with 36.7 million added in the opening five disclosed mobile subscriber numbers in 2022, but
months. China Unicom closed May with 179.7 million, released totals combining mobile, fixed, broadband and
up 4.9 million from the previous month and 24.7 million IoT connections.
since the start of the year. The number of subscribers (June 21, 2022)
The Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria change how those concessions so that the frequencies
de Telecomunicaciones, Subtel) has set out plans can be used for advanced mobile services. Of the six
to resolve the ongoing dispute regarding the use of providers with spectrum in the band, three – WOM, Entel
spectrum in the 3.5GHz band. Diario Financiero cites and Movistar – paid substantial fees for 5G licenses
Chile Subsecretary of Telecommunications Claudio Araya in last year’s tender whilst the other three (VTR, Claro
as saying that the regulator aims to enable operators and GTD) were allocated fixed wireless licenses in
with spectrum licenses for fixed wireless services to 2001 at no cost. The official explained that the latter
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