Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 138


                         Bids for the second 5G broadband cellular network li-  Estonia has launched the auction of its second 3.5GHz
                         cense on offer in Estonia have passed the US$4.7 mil-  license,  with  Telia,  Tele2  and  Bite  Lietuva  left  in  the
                         lion mark. The 3.6 GHz bandwidth is open to three com-  running after Elisa emerged as the winner of the first
                         panies: Telia, Tele2 and UAB Bite, a Lithuanian company.   concession late last month. The second license, which
        Estonia          Elisa, having won the auction of the first bandwidth to   offers 130MHz of spectrum in the 3410MHz-3800MHz
                         be held, is not eligible to be in the running for the sub-  band, has a starting price of EUR1.597 million (USD1.7
                         sequent  auctions.  Aap Adreas  Rebas,  spokesperson   million); Elisa won the previous auction with an offer of
                         for the  Consumer Protection  and Technical  Regulato-  EUR7.206 million after 57 rounds of bidding. Four firms
                         ry  Authority  (TTJA),  which  is  overseeing  the  bidding,   have been vying for the three available concessions, so
                         said: "The second auction of the 3.6 GHz 5G frequen-  competition for a license is expected to be fierce.
                         cy license reached the 30th round as of June 28 at a   (June 13, 2022)
                         level of €4,500,300. All three bidders can submit bids,
                         and at least one bid must be submitted in each round."   Elisa has been named as the winner of the first license
                         The auction is likely to last some time more, he added.   in  Estonia’s  auction of 5G-capable  3.5GHz  spectrum.
                         "Most likely the second round is not over yet. That the   The  Consumer Protection  and  Technical  Surveillance
                         competition  is  fully there. Perhaps  the  last  round will   Authority  (TTJA)  announced  that  Elisa  submitted
                         see a little less competition," he added. Elisa paid €7.2   a  bid  of  EUR7.206  million  (USD7.756  million),  well
                         million for its bandwidth in the first auction, which last-  above the reserve price of EUR1.597 million. A further
                         ed over 57 rounds and ended on May 27. The asking   two concessions  are  still  available,  and  the  auction
                         price raises  in  €100,000  increments  per round. Once   for the next license will begin once Elisa has paid the
                         the second auction is completed, the TTJA will start the   necessary fees. Andres Suti, Minister of Enterprise and
                         third and final round, which as noted only two compa-  Information  Technology,  commented:  ‘The  final  price,
                         nies will be eligible to bid in. Elisa claims that the first   which is  many times  higher  than the  starting  price,
                         license, which it won, was the most valuable of the three   shows the strong competition in our 5G market, which
                         on offer, on the grounds that it is not subject to stricter   accelerates the delivery of 5G to customers. Elisa now
                         restrictions relating to the Russian border. The company   has the green light to offer a new user experience and
                         opened up its 5G network on June 16, initially offering   new solutions to its customers, and two more licenses
                         Internet packages which can be used with an outdoor   have to be shared.’
                         router, with the network available to other devices from   (May 31, 2022)
                         the fourth quarter of this year.(June 28, 2022)

                         Satellite internet company Starlink  has  been  awarded   public hearings  before granting  the  licenses,  a step
                         a  new  concession  in  France,  after  its  previous   which Arcep omitted. Following the  court’s  decision,
                         authorization  was  revoked  on  a  legal  technicality.   Arcep opened a new public consultation process, which
                         The  original  decision  to grant  two frequency bands   highlighted  in  particular the  potential  of the  Starlink
        France           to the  company was  over-ruled  by  France’s  highest   service to improve  connectivity  in  ‘white  areas’  that
                         administrative court, the Conseil d’Etat, in April 2022; the
                                                                        are  poorly  served  by  fiber  networks.  In  view  of  the
                         authority was quoted as ruling that the license award   contributions received, Arcep issued Decision No. 2022-
                         ‘could impact the market of access to high-bandwidth   1102,  awarding  the  10.95GHz-12.70GHz  and  14GHz-
                         internet and affect the interests of end users’, therefore   14.5GHz bands to Starlink.
                         it  should have been  a legal  requirement  to carry out   (June 6, 2022)

                         A deadline for the granting of 700MHz spectrum licenses   the islands only with the consent of the islands’ local
                         for  the  Aland  Islands  has  been further  extended,  the   government. As such, the MoTC has said: ‘It is justified
                         Ministry of Transport and Communications (Liikenne-ja   to extend the  time  limit  so that  the  Government  of
                         viestintaministerio, MoTC) has announced. Previously,   Aland  can  process  the  matter  to  a  sufficient  extent.’
        Finland          in December 2021 the ministry issued an invitation to   With there being three concessions on offer, the MoTC
                                                                        notes  that  applications  have  already  been  submitted
                         apply for the concessions, setting an initial deadline of
                         3 March 2022. However, in February this year the MoTC   by a trio of operators, namely: Elisa, Telia Finland and
                         announced  an  extension  to the  application  deadline   Aland Telecommunications. According to the ministry,
                         – to 31  May  2022.  Now, a  further  extension  to 3   the  technology neutral  licenses are being  issued  ‘to
                         November 2022 has been confirmed, and in announcing   promote the  construction of 5G  networks  in  Aland
                         the delay the ministry noted that under the Act on the   and to improve the availability of high speed wireless
                         Autonomy  of Aland, a state  authority  may grant  a   broadband connections’. (June 1, 2022)
                         license  for  public telecommunications operations  for
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