Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                          The  telecoms watchdog  the  Agency  for Electronic   in the 700MHz band; 40 blocks of 10MHz spectrum in
                          Communications and Postal  Services (EKIP)  has   the  3.6GHz  band;  and  five  lots  of  200MHz  spectrum
                          opened  a  consultation  regarding  its  draft  plans  for   in the 26GHz band. All frequencies will be valid for 15
                          the  tender  of frequencies  in  the  700MHz  (694MHz-  years  from the  date  of  approval.  The  regulator notes
        Montenegro        790MHz),  3.6GHz  (3400MHz-3800MHz)  and 26GHz   one lot of 5MHz unpaired 700MHz frequencies and two
                          (26.5GHz-27.5GHz) bands scheduled for later this year.   10MHz blocks in the 3.6GHz band will not be subject
                          Interested parties are invited to submit their feedback   to a one-time  allocation  fee, as they may require  the
                          by 8 July. EKIP proposes to award a total of 1,475MHz   development of additional measures to reduce harmful
                          of spectrum (2×30MHz paired and 1,415MHz unpaired)   interference to neighboring frequency bands.
                          in  the  three  bands  as  follows: six  blocks  of 2×5MHz   (May 31, 2022)
                          spectrum and three lots of unpaired 5MHz frequencies

                         The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia   Authority  of Namibia’s  (CRAN’s)  latest  market  report,
                         (CRAN)  has  launched  a  national  campaign  to  raise   the country’s mobile market grew by just 0.6% year-on-
                         awareness of the introduction of mandatory SIM card   year to 2.915 million subscriptions at the end of 2021,
                         registration, which will come into effect on 1 January   whereas mobile broadband subscriptions increased by
        Namibia          2023. Noting the process was in line with international   8.8% to 1.894 million. (May 5, 2022)
                         best practice, CRAN CEO Emilia Nghikembua explained
                         that operators will need to register all existing customers   The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia
                         within  twelve  months  and  any  new  subscriptions   (CRAN) has revealed it intends to review its frequency
                         within  three  months  of the  date  of sale,  following   band  plan  every  four years,  The  Namibian  reports.
                         which all  unregistered  SIMs will  be deactivated.  The   Speaking  at  a public consultative  meeting  about the
                         executive highlighted that having a secure authorized   watchdog’s spectrum assignment strategy for 2022 to
                         digital identity has become increasingly important in a   2024, CEO Emilia Nghikembua said this would involve
                         democratic society in the interests of national security,   amending frequency band allocations and regulations
                         public  safety, and  for the  prevention  of crime. ‘SIM   as  required, following due regulatory process, with
                         registration  can enable  many consumers to access   spectrum licensees  required  to migrate  to new
                         value-added  mobile and  digital  services  that  would   frequencies. The authority will address each migration on
                         otherwise be unavailable to them as unregistered users.   a case-by-case basis in accordance with the regulations
                         Namibia must leverage on the use of safe and secure   for spectrum licensing procedures, she added. ‘CRAN
                         mobile technology to enjoy the benefits of the Fourth   has developed a spectrum assignment strategy setting
                         Industrial  Revolution  and  meet  the  United  Nations   out objectives for spectrum management and providing
                         Sustainable  Development  Goals,’  she  said.  (June  8,  2022)   clarity in  respect  of the  authority’s  approach to the
                                               control, planning,  management, administration  and
                                                                        licensing  of radio  frequency spectrum,’  Nghikembua
                         The  Ministry of Information and  Communication   told  the  meeting,  adding  the  authority  had  set  out
                         Technology  (MICT)  has  attributed  growth  in  conditions  to  ensure  the  efficient  use  of  scarce
                         mobile   broadband   subscriptions  to  Mobile  resources and prevent anti-competitive practices, such
                         Telecommunications’ (MTC’s)  081EVERY1  project,   as the hoarding of spectrum, and to free up spectrum
                         which aims to achieve 100% population  network   space  for assignment  to emerging  technologies  and
                         coverage  by  2023.  Speaking  at  the  Digital  Rights   services. ‘CRAN deems it prudent to keep abreast of the
                         and  Inclusion  Forum held  in  Windhoek  last  month,   latest regulatory trends and technology developments
                         Deputy  Minister  of ICT Emma  Theofelus  claimed   to ensure the efficient use of the spectrum as a limited
                         mobile  broadband  connectivity  had  been  extended  to   resource, taking into account the spectrum is the basis
                         89%  of the  population,  while  LTE infrastructure  now   for development of the ICT sector,’ she said.
                         provides  79%  coverage compared with 40%  a year   (April 21, 2022)
                         earlier. According to the  Communications Regulatory

                         A special advisory committee to the Dutch government   should  make  1×300MHz  frequencies  available  for
                         has said that 5G mobile frequencies in the 3.5GHz band   nationwide mobile usage, whilst ‘as long as the foreign
                         will become available after an auction on 1 December   location  is  not  yet  operational  (the  aim  is  2  January
                         2023.  The  committee recommends that  satellite   2024),  the  satellite  company  will  still  have  limited
        The              operator Inmarsat relocates its specific services in this   space  (80MHz)  to continue  its  activities.’  Minister  of
                                                                        Economic Affairs Micky Adriaansens has received the
                         band ‘to a location they provide in Greece’. The auction
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