Page 147 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         government  expecting  to raise  almost  PLN1.9  billion   on 14 December 2021 to extend its concession which
                         from the process. (April 24, 2022)  is set to expire at the end of this year. The operator is
                                                                        looking to use 29.6MHz of frequencies in the 2100MHz
                         The Polish telecoms regulator, the Office of Electronic   range until 31 December 2037. The license renewal will
                         Communications  (Urzad  Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,   cost Plus PLN403.4 million (USD94.4 million). Poland’s
                         UKE), has  opened  a consultation  regarding  the   other  cellcos  –  Orange,  Play  and T-Mobile  –  are  also
                         extension  of  the  2100MHz  spectrum license  held  by   looking to renew their 2100MHz concessions, with the
                         cellco Plus  (registered  as  Polkomtel).  According  to   government  expecting  to raise  almost  PLN1.9  billion
                         a  report  from,  Plus  submitted  an  application   from the process. (April 22, 2022)

                         The  National  Communications Authority (ANACOM)   terrestrial  electronic  communications  services
                         has  launched a  public consultation  on the  availability   (servicos  de  comunicacoes eletronicas  terrestres
                         of spectrum in  the  1427MHz-1517MHz  (‘1500MHz’)   (SCET) in 2023-2024. The ‘L-band’ is currently used to
                         frequency band.  The  consultation  aims  to collect   support 4G technology in markets as disparate as San
        Portugal         the  position  of  the  various  market  participants   Marino and Japan, and has been used for 5G in Latvia.
                         (manufacturers,  operators, private  and  public  entities,   Further, 1500MHz  frequencies  have  been  earmarked
                         users and others) on the availability of said spectrum.   for future use in many other major markets around the
                         The  spectrum  could potentially come  into play for   world. (June 29, 2022)

                         The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications   under their  national  4G  licenses  renewed  last  year –
                         &  Mass  Media  will  extend  the  period  of allocation  of   but  successive  regulatory  decisions  have  repeatedly
                         analogue  TV frequencies  in  the  700MHz  range  for   prolonged  the  frequencies’  analogue  broadcasting
                         another year, taking  the  expiry date  to August 2023.   allocations, despite the completion of digital terrestrial
        Russia           The 700MHz spectrum has been earmarked for 4G/5G   TV  rollout  in  2019.  The  renewed  analogue  TV  bands
                         mobile  broadband  services  for  a  decade  –  with  the   include frequencies within the ranges 175MHz-230MHz
                         main cellcos MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 Russia   and 470MHz-790MHz.
                         holding  theoretical  rights  to 700MHz  bandwidth   (June 15, 2022) Kommersant

                         The Regulation Authority for Telecommunications and   enabling them to work together on improving the service
                         Posts (L’Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications   provided  to end-users.  It  is  hoped  the  committee will
                         et  des  Postes, ARTP)  has  established  a steering   help  identify  issues  hindering  coverage  and  service
                         committee to coordinate  efforts  to increase  mobile   improvement  and  enable  operators  to  optimize  their
        Senegal          network coverage and enhance quality of service (QoS).   investment plans in partnership with the regulator.
                         The  body aims  to strike  a  balance  between  network   (May 5, 2022)
                         operators, ISPs,  MVNOs  and  consumer associations,

                         The Congress of Deputies approved the revision of the   public administration authorities to guarantee telecoms
                         2014 General Telecommunications Law with a majority   operators access  to public electricity, gas  and  water
                         vote on 9 June. The amendment received 291 votes in   infrastructure  to  assist  with  the  deployment  of  fixed
                         favor, 51 against and no abstentions.  One  of the  key   broadband networks. While the 100Mbps rollout targets
        Spain            clauses included in the updated law will see minimum   may seem ambitious, 95.2%  of the  population can
                         download speeds increased to 100Mbps for 100% of the
                                                                        already receive access to download speeds of 30Mbps,
                         population within the next twelve months – compared   while 87.6% have access to 100Mbps speeds.
                         to a previous target of 2025. Another addition compels   (June 13, 2022)

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