Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 37


        Zain Kuwait Claims National Vo5G


        Zain Kuwait has announced the launch of voice-over-5G (Vo5G),
        claiming a global first in terms of a commercial Vo5G service with
        ‘nationwide  coverage’. The  operator says  Vo5G  is  now available
        in ‘all areas’ of Kuwait, initially on the Samsung Galaxy S22 range
        of devices.  Zain’s  press  release  says  that  the  Vo5G  technology
        offers  customers  ‘an  unprecedented  experience  with  ultra-fast
        internet  while  making  crystal-clear  voice calls  on compatible
        smartphones  without  interruption’, with  the  launch  proceeding
        after extensive tests to assess the readiness of its network and its
        technical capabilities to operate the service ‘at the highest quality
        on a nationwide  level.’ Vo5G is  provided for  compatible device
        owners without any additional  fees,  enabling  high-quality  voice
        calls simultaneously with usage of high speed internet, streaming
        services and data-hungry apps. The service is hosted on Zain’s 5G
        Standalone (SA 5G) network, deployed earlier this year.

                                             AT&T Powers 5G Smart Warehouse Demos for

        US operator AT&T put its private 5G network   The goal of the San Diego demonstrations   the  base  delivered  throughput  speeds  of
        through its  paces  during  demonstrations   was  to  increase  the  efficiency  of  naval   3.9  Gb/s  with  less  than  10  milliseconds
        with the  US  Navy to prove the  potential   logistics including identification, recording,   of latency.  The  demonstrations  included
        of low latency, high  throughput  smart   organization,  storage,  retrieval  and  the   5G-enabled  virtual  reality  (VR)  and
        warehouse  services.  The  demonstrations   transportation  of supplies  by using   augmented  reality  (AR)  capabilities  to
        were conducted at Naval Base Coronado in   AT&T’s private RAN. Lance Spencer, Client   support  military  training,  operations,
        San Diego. The US Department of Defense   Executive Vice President – Defense, AT&T   and  maintenance as  well  as  prototyping
        is exploring the use of smart warehouses   Public Sector and FirstNet, stated to Mobile   applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) and
        by using 5G for shipments between shore   World Live  (MWL)  the  demonstrations   machine  learning  (ML)  technologies  were
        facilities  and  naval  units,  among  other   combined AT&T spectrum, RAN, transport,   also used to connect a cloud to the network
        use cases. The trials were one element of   private  core,  multiple  operator core   edge for high throughput and low latency
        the Department of Defense’s $500 million   network (MOCN),  roaming capabilities   capabilities.
        initiative  that  was  announced  in  2020  for   and cybersecurity that included zero trust
        using  5G  across  five  military  test  sites.   architecture.  The private  5G  network at

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