Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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to-Disk-to-Tape (D2D2T) model for data
protection faces problems such as long
backup window and recovery time, while
the new era of Flash-to-Flash- to-Anything
(F2F2X) redefines the model as backup
solutions go flash, further unlocking the
value of data. Huawei OceanProtect
backup storage, as a next-generation smart
all-flash benchmark product, is designed
for the F2F2X era, featuring fast backup
and restore, efficient shrinkage, and high
Why Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage
was crowned the winner The first benefit
is fast backup and restore. Upstream,
OceanProtect uses a DTOE smart network
interface card (NIC) to optimize protocol
computation and free up CPU computing feature-based compression, and byte- availability and reliability. In the F2F2X
resources, doubling the array bandwidth level compaction achieve a data reduction era, data protection encompasses a new
compared to the traditional network card. ratio of up to 72:1, which contributed to ecosystem and new challenges. Huawei
Additionally, OceanProtect supports high significant total cost of ownership savings. OceanProtect backup storage adapts to
performance SSDs on the back. The full In addition, 6-nine high reliability is based high-speed backup patterns in various
end-to-end acceleration feature enables on active-active redundancy hardware industries and application environments,
backup bandwidths of up to 155 TB/hour architecture and RAID-TP technology, providing superior backup and recovery to
and recovery of 172 TB/hour, respectively. which can tolerate three disk failures and protect your data assets in the smart world.
In terms of reduction efficiency, multi- implement failover in seconds in the event
layer inline variable-length deduplication, of one failure. single controller, for high
Huawei and Nordic Cellular IoT Enter into Licensing Deal
IoT, a subset of the 4G standard, which
creates great value for IoT,” says Huawei’s
Head of European IPR Department, Zhang
Xiaowu. “Huawei is pleased to reach this
license agreement with Nordic, which
will enable and support a large-scale
deployment of this low power cellular IoT
technology by different industries, further
supporting the digital transformation of
societies worldwide.” “Licensing in cellular
IoT is a comparably new practice in the
industry, calling for flexible solutions,”
explains Marianne Frydenlund, SVP Legal
& Compliance at Nordic Semiconductor.
“This agreement with Huawei is a big
Huawei Technologies has entered into amicable discussion within a short period of step towards harmonizing the cellular
a patent license agreement with Nordic time. With this agreement, Nordic can bring IoT industry with FRAND SEP licensing
Semiconductor. The agreement grants a its cellular IoT customers comprehensive practices employed throughout the global
fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory legal protection, and a practical and semiconductor industry.” “Both sides
(FRAND) royalty-bearing component-level legitimate way to access and implement approached the negotiation in a reasonable
license of Huawei’s low power wide area Huawei’s valuable standardized cellular IoT and practical manner and recognized that
(LPWA) cellular IoT standard essential technology. This agreement is set to bring simplification would help boost market
patents (SEPs) to Nordic and its customers. greater commercial and legal certainty to growth to the benefit of all parties involved:
Huawei and Nordic were able to conclude the IoT industry. “Huawei owns a leading Huawei, Nordic, and above all else, Nordic’s
the agreement through a transparent and portfolio of LPWA SEPs for LTE-M and NB- cellular IoT customers,” says Frydenlund.
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