Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 116


        that the technical means to provide online audio and video and   Jordanian economy through the provision of a large number of
        data through electricity networks which will facilitate their access   employment opportunities. A new set of services, socialization and
        to all sectors and homes at high speed and low cost through the   social responsibility. During the signing ceremony of the license
        use of common device called ( the CPE ) your company ( the SMT   agreement was the implementation of a technical experiment to
        ) to pull the signal online from Feb Of electricity. Al-Tamimi added   transfer the Internet through electricity networks in the building
        that SMT is looking forward to achieve many visions, including   of the Authority, through the delivery of Internet service at high
        building  a  modern  infrastructure  that  will  support  its  planned   speeds relied on the points of electricity networks have received
        services, whether wired or wireless, improve the quality of services   the approval and admiration of the audience.
        provided to beneficiaries in Jordan, and participate in building the   (November 13, 2019)


        CEO  of  the  Communications  and  Information  Regulatory   Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  field,  robots,  3D  printing  and  digital
        Technology  Authority  of  Kuwait  Eng.  Salim  Al-Ozainah  verified   services.  These  developments  can  boost  income  rate  around
        political leadership and government are keen to keep pace with   the world, achieve sustainable development and protect natural
        digital transformation in order to build a society based on smart   resources, Al-Rodhan added. Meanwhile, he warned against the
        electronic services. This came in a speech on the opening of the   economic, social, political and cultural dangers of this revolution,
        seventh  e-government  forum  entitled  (modern  trends  of  smart   noting that there are expectations that over 375 million workers
        government), which is sponsored by His Highness Sheikh Jaber   will  need  to  switch  to  a  different  job  by  2030.  Moreover,  there
        Al-Mubarak  Al-Hamad  Al-Sabah,  the  Prime  Minister,  and  will   are  fears  that  it  will  lower  the  income  of  most  individuals  in
        continue until 14 November. On July 8, 2019, the Cabinet issued its   high-income countries and create difficulties in dealing with the
        Resolution No. (911) on the formation of a committee to prepare   impact of climate change. Although industry is vital to improving
        the national plan and information technology policies to review   the  lives  of  people,  it  poses  dangers  to  environment  including
        the challenges faced by the government agencies concerned with   pollution  and  depletion  of  natural  resources,  said  the  Minister.
        technology  and  its  challenges.  He  pointed  out  that  the  Forum   In  the  same  context,  Al-Roudhan  stressed  the  importance  of
        supports the turning point in the framework of the efforts of the   the ninth goal in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
        Government of Kuwait to provide smart services in addition to the   which focuses on industry and innovation. He added that Kuwait
        support and development of young capabilities that will benefit all   suggests that UNIDO would make knowledge economy, with its
        citizens. For her part, Director General of the Central Agency for   main feature being online trade, as the organization’s priority. He
        Information Technology Haya Al Wadani said in a similar speech,   also mentioned green industries as key to social and economic
        that we live in the world of development and growth and the rapid   development,  as  well  as  in  protecting  the  environment,  natural
        challenges in the field of technology which requires us to keep   resources and renewable energy. It also limits gas emission and
        pace with change and overcome the challenges. She stated that   promote for recycling. Speaking on the fifth goal in the (SDGs)
        these challenges require us to develop our capabilities, skills and   on  gender  equality,  the  Minister  said  Kuwait  strongly  believes
        work procedures to enable us to bring our government services to   in  the  vital  role  of  women  in  achieving  sustainable  industrial
        better levels comparable to developed countries in this field. Al-  development. Kuwait also believes that enabling women to play
        Wadani pointed to the magnitude of these challenges that require   a role in achieving social peace and security is a step towards
        the collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors, praising   achieving sustainable development, he noted. The Minister called
        the cooperation of other government agencies with the Central   on all countries, companies and businessmen to look into Kuwait’s
        Agency  for  Information  Technology  to  enable  their  services  to   investment opportunities. The country is also providing banking
        reach  the  smart  government.  She  pointed  out  that  the  Forum   and customs facilitations, as well as developing its commercial
        will  hold  two  workshops  for  government  agencies  specialized   documents  system,  under  the  Kuwait  Direct  Investment
        in  information  technology,  one  dealing  with  an  integrated   Promotion Authority (KDIPA) and Kuwait National Fund for Small
        automated program to follow up on strategies and performance   and  Medium  Enterprise  Development  (SMEs).  Meanwhile,  he
        measurement in institutions and the second to provide practical   hailed the UAE’s strategy set in 2017 to prepare for the Fourth
        applications  for  the  use  of  artificial  intelligence  technologies.   Industrial  Revolution.  Al-Roudhan  also  welcomed  Palestine’s
        (November 12, 2019)                       first participation in the conference as a UNIDO member-state.
                                                               He also congratulated the Emirati Minister of Energy and Industry
        Minister  of  Commerce  and  Industry  Khaled  Al-Roudhan   Suhail  Al-Mazrouei  for  being  elected  to  chair  the  conference.
        underlined the importance of benefitting from the Fourth Industrial   The  conference  kicked  off  under  the  theme  “innovation  and
        Revolution  and  fit  into  the  new  generation  of  globalization.  In   communication  change  our  future.”  There  are  800  ministers,
        a speech at the General Conference (GC) of the United Nations   officials and representatives of 170 countries participating in the
        Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Abu Dhabi, Al-  event. The meeting discusses policies aiming to achieve the 2030
        Roudhan,  also  Minister  of  State  for  Services  Affairs  said  the   Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs.
        industrial  revolution  brought  out  great  developments  in  the   (November 4, 2019)
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