Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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        Electronic  Communications  Sector  on  several  matters,  such  as   published two draft application forms regarding the authorization
        expanding the scope of conditions for authorization applications;   of  operators,  the  notification  form  and  application  form  for  the
        the calculation of authorization fees and payment of fees for right   right  to  use.  In  addition,  pursuant  to  the  Draft  Regulation  on
        to  use;  information  and  documents  that  authorized  operators   Authorization  Periods  and  Competency  Controls,  the  ICTA  is
        will regularly share with the ICTA; and authorization cancellation   planning to introduce new regulations regarding the calculation
        process for operators failing to provide electronic communication   of authorization and authorization renewal periods, as well as the
        services. In accordance with the proposed changes, the ICTA also   competency control periods. (December 17, 2019)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The UAE, represented by the General Authority for Regulating the   largest social equivalent. As for the second principle, it provides
        Telecommunications Sector, participated in the 23rd session of   for reliance on youth as a drive for progress and construction in
        the Council of Arab Ministers of Communications and Information   the digital world, as they are the means to tackle future challenges
        hosted by the Saudi capital Riyadh on December 17-18, under the   and the cyberspace, and the key to transforming the Arab digital
        theme “An Arab ambition for a Digital Generation”, in the presence of   world  into  an  icon  of  the  world.  The  third  principle  stated  the
        a number of telecommunications and information ministers from   importance  of  Arab  data  as  a  fundamental  factor  for  digital
        Arab countries. The UAE delegation was headed by H.E. Hamad   development and future leadership, and as a key enabler for the
        Obaid Al Mansouri, TRA Director General, and included a number   4IR and digital economy. The fourth principle of the Declaration
        of TRA managers and staff. The meeting discussed the future of   stipulates activating innovation, since it is the best way to realize
        joint Arab action in ICT, its global developments and implications   aspirations. Striving to support innovators, creators and leaders
        for the Arab world in the domains of economy, health, education   by providing a nurturing environment to encourage innovation and
        and others. The meeting also discussed the proposal of the joint   entrepreneurship in all sectors. Lastly, the fifth principle mentions
        Arab Digital Declaration “Building a prosperous and sustainable   the importance of the union of Arab forces, as military blocs and
        Arab digital society”, which reflects the wish of Arab countries to   groupings are of utmost necessity. Concerted efforts and stances
        work on building a prosperous, sustainable and harmonious Arab   are required to make the Arab region a regional and global power
        digital society where individuals can grow towards development; a   in the digital world. (December 21, 2019)
        society in which individuals, communities and nations can unlock
        their full potential to advance their sustainable development and   Government  and  private  entities  signed  a  number  of  MoUs  to
        improve their quality of life, based on the purposes and principles   implement and activate the UAE Pass, during a forum organized by
        of  the  Arab  League  Charter.  In  his  speech  during  the  meeting,   the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), in partnership
        H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri stressed that the importance of   with the Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) and Smart Dubai. The
        such event stems from the importance of the ICT sector, as every   signed agreements aim to activate the mechanisms of the UAE
        development  witnessed  in  the  world  has  become  correlated  to   Pass App, and exchange data between the parties participating
        how advanced the telecommunications infrastructure is, adding:   in this initiative, which enhances the UAE digital transformation.
        “I hope that the Arab Digital Declaration, in letter and spirit, will   It also aims to make the UAE Pass one of the important pillars of
        be the title of a new Arab era, an era in which potentials of Arab   the integrated and interconnected government that provides joint
        youth will be unleashed from the ocean to the Gulf, and in which   services to the public in cooperation with the private sector. In
        their creative ideas will sprout to contribute to making a bright   this regard, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General,
        sustainable digital future.” He added: “We have 100 million youth   congratulated the participating entities for the implementation of
        in the Arab world aged between 15 to 29. These men and women   UAE Pass, considering it as a milestone in the process of digital
        have immense potential. Either we leave them exposed to darkness   government.  H.E.  Al  Mansoori  said:  “This  project  reflects  the
        and obscurantism, or we take their hands into enlightenment and   directives of the wise leadership towards building a sustainable
        development  by  investing  their  energy  in  moving  forward  and   digital future, and providing easy, fast and interactive government
        making the future. This announcement is the junction between the   services that achieve customer happiness. The UAE Pass project
        two paths. If we are to succeed in making it part of our children’s   embodied  the  principle  of  partnership  between  the  public  and
        thinking and interests, we will have made the right choice, and   private  sectors,  and  here  we  see  well-established  businesses
        this is what we all wish for.“ The Arab Digital Declaration included   participating  in  the  journey  of  digital  development,  realizing  a
        five  common  Arab  principles  for  building  a  prosperous  and   necessity that we in the UAE apprehend more than others, namely
        sustainable Arab digital society, with the first principle ensuring   that cooperation between all sectors leads to digital society. A
        a digital economy as a new way to promote community growth   productive  and  sustainable  digital  society  is  like  a  shadowing
        and stability. Overcoming any obstacle to maximize benefits of   tree,  its  trunk  is  the  home  from  which  we  derive  strength  and
        such economy. In addition to reflecting on the Fourth Industrial   determination, and its leafy branches are the entities that give life
        Revolution (4IR), being the greatest economic multiplier, and the   and spread their shadows to all.” During the event, TRA signed

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