Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         considered  technically  and  economically  feasible.   quickly. In the roaming market the authority found only
                         ICASA said this would “preclude the indefinite reserving   MTN  and  Vodacom  to  have  substantial  coverage  in
                         of space on masts for the incumbent’s equipment” and   many municipalities.
                         enable smaller operators to deploy infrastructure more   (December 2, 2019)

                         South Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) has   •  Lot  A  –  WOAN:  2×20MHz  (FDD)  in  800MHz  band,
                         revealed  it  is  aiming  to  make  a  further  2,640MHz  of   1×20MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         bandwidth available for use in 5G networks by 2026.   •  Incumbent  (assigned):  20MHz  (TDD)  in  2600MHz
                         Under what has been dubbed the ‘5G+ Spectrum Plan’,   band
                         the  regulator  is  reportedly  looking  to  almost  double   •  Lot B, C and D – industry: 2×10MHz in 700MHz band,
        South Korea the  amount  of  5G-suitable  spectrum  in  the  country,   50MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         up from the current 2,680MHz that has already been   •  Possible  future  assignment  –  industry:  2×10MHz
                         allocated.  It  is  understood  that  the  thinking  behind   (FDD) in 800MHz band
                         the plan is to ensure that there is enough bandwidth   Option 3
                         to  cater  for  an  expected  explosion  in  traffic  over  5G   •  Lot  A  –  WOAN:  2×20MHz  (FDD)  in  800MHz  band,
                         networks, while also allowing for the use of spectrum   40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         by new industries that are expected to be 5G-based.   •  Lot B, C and D – industry: 2×10MHz in 700MHz band,
                         As it stands, the MSIT has yet to announce details of   40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         exactly what frequencies it will offered, nor has it laid   •  Lot E – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 800MHz band,
                         out a timeline for deployment. It has said though, that   10MHz in 2600MHz band
                         it will discuss regulations for strategic businesses and   •  In-band  migration:  20MHz  in  2600MHz  band
                         the private sector before announcing a finalized plan   (incumbent)
                         next month. (November 28, 2019) ZDNet          Option 4
                                                                        •  Lot  A  –  WOAN:  2×20MHz  (FDD)  in  800MHz  band,
                         The  telecoms  regulator  ICASA  has  published  an   40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         Information  Memorandum  setting  out  the  options   •  Lot B, C and D – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 800MHz
                         for  licensing  high-demand  4G  and  5G  spectrum  in   band, 40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         the  country,  with  all  interested  parties  given  until  31   •  Possible  future  assignment:  2×10MHz  (FDD)  in
                         January 2020 to submit their comments. ICASA plans   700MHz band, 10MHz in 2600MHz band
                         to  license  the  700MHz  and  800MHz  bands  (‘digital   •  Option 5
                         dividend’  frequencies,  which  are  currently  occupied   •  Lot  A  –  WOAN,  2×10MHz  (FDD)  in  800MHz  band,
                         by  analogue  television  broadcasters),  alongside   2×10MHz (FDD) in 800MHz band, 40MHz (TDD) in
                         spectrum  in  the  2300MHz,  2600MHz  and  3500MHz   2600MHz band
                         bands.  Specifically,  ICASA  plans  to  award  60MHz   •  Lot B – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 800MHz band,
                         (2×30MHz)  in  the  700MHz  band,  60MHz  (2×30MHz)   40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         in  the  800MHz  band,  40MHz  in  the  2300MHz  band,   •  Lot C and D – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 700MHz
                         170MHz  in  the  2600MHz  band  and  116MHz  in  the   band, 40MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band
                         3500MHz  band.  The  spectrum  will  be  awarded  on  a   •  Lot E – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 800MHz band,
                         national basis, and the reserve price for each lot will be   10MHz in 2600MHz band
                         different (scheduled to be determined by ICASA after   •  In-band  migration:  20MHz  in  2600MHz  band
                         consultation  with  the  industry);  frequency  spectrum   (incumbent)
                         caps will also be introduced following the consultation.   Regarding  the  2300MHz  band,  ICASA  is  planning  to
                         The  options  regarding  the  700MHz,  800MHz  and   award  60MHz  to  the  incumbent,  with  four  10MHz
                         2600MHz spectrum on offer are as follows:      blocks to be offered to other bidders. In the 3500MHz
                         Option 1                                       band, 84MHz will be reserved for the incumbent, while
                         •  Lot A – to be reserved for the new wholesale open-  eleven 10MHz ranges, one 2MHz slice and one 4MHz
                            access network (WOAN): 2×25MHz (FDD) in 800MHz   block  will  also  be  put  on  sale.  Successful  bidders
                            band, 2×20MHz (FDD) in 2600MHz band         will  be  required  to  provide  data  services  across  the
                         •  Incumbent  (assigned):  20MHz  (TDD)  in  2600MHz   country  with  an  average  down/upload  speeds  of
                            band                                        30Mbps/15Mbps  by  2025;  provide  open  access  to  a
                         •  Lot B, C and D – industry: 2×10MHz (FDD) in 700MHz   minimum  of  three  mobile  virtual  network  operators
                            band, 2×10MHz (FDD) in 2600MHz band         (MVNOs);  and  buy  a  minimum  of  30%  of  national
                         •  Lot E – industry: 2×20MHz (TDD) in 2600MHz band  capacity  from  the  WOAN  for  a  period  of  at  least  five
                         Option 2                                       years. (November 4, 2019)

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