Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         provide infrastructure services, except if it obtains an   Authorization to provide digital financial services. This
                         appropriate  PIP license  as well. The  license  duration   will  cover  electronic  financial  non-banking  services,
                         will be five years. A holder of this license must be 20%   insurance  services,  mobile  money  services,  mobile
                         locally owned.                                 electronic  payments  solutions,  mobile  based  lending
                         National Public Infrastructure Provider (NPIP) License.   services among others.
                         This  will  allow  the  license  holder  to  establish  and   Authorization  to  provide  aggregation  services.  This
                         provide  infrastructure  services  to  licensed  national   will cover providers of aggregation services including
                         operators,  public  infrastructure  providers,  public   short  code  holders  and  other  providers  that  use
                         service  providers  and  private  networks  in  Uganda.   communications infrastructure to aggregate content.
                         Holders of this license will not be allowed to provide   Digital  audio  visual  content.  This  will  cover  entities
                         services to final consumers, except where the operator   that  create,  package  and  make  available  digital
                         also holds a PSP license. The license duration will be   audio-visual  content  through  telecommunications
                         15 years.  A holder of this license must be 20% locally   infrastructure.  These  are  to  be  distinguished  from
                         owned.                                         traditional broadcasters.
                         Regional  Public  Service  Provider  (RPSP)  License.   Transition
                         This  license  will  allow  the  licensee  to  provide  either   Current license holders have 60 days from 30 October
                         voice  and  data  services  or  capacity  resale  services   2019 to apply for licenses under the new framework.
                         in a specific region. The licensee will not be allowed   The UCC will evaluate the applications and confirm or
                         to provide services outside of its licensed region. The   suggest a different license. Those whose applications
                         license duration will be five years.           for licenses are pending but not yet considered have
                         Regional  Public  Infrastructure  Provider  (RPIP)   30  days  to  re-apply.  New  entities  can  start  applying
                         License.  This  license  will  allow  the  holder  to  provide   immediately. The new regime is expected to take effect
                         infrastructure  services  to  licensed  public  service   in June 2020. (November 6, 2019)
                         providers  in  the  authorized  license  area/  region.
                         Licensed  operators  that  provide  both  infrastructure   The government says the country’s telecoms operators
                         and services in three regions will become eligible for   must  list  at  least  20%  of  their  shares  on  the  local
                         an NTO license. The license duration will be 15 years.  bourse  within  two  years  in  a  move  to  encourage
                         Other licenses/ authorizations                 local  ownership.  Mr.  Ibrahim  Bbosa,  spokesman  for
                         Equipment  distribution  authorization  for  those   the  regulator  Uganda  Communications  Commission
                         who  deal  strictly  in  the  distribution  and  sale  of   (UCC)  said  that  the  share  listing  will  be  one  of  the
                         telecommunications equipment, including network and   terms  contained  within  new  licenses:  ‘In 60 days we
                         customer terminals.                            want to have issued new licenses and then two years
                         Equipment  vending  and  installation  authorization  for   from  then  all  the  players  should  have  listed  at  least
                         those who intend to import, vend, install and maintain   20%  of  their  shares  on  the  Uganda  Stock  Exchange
                         telecommunications equipment.                  (USE).’ The foreign-owned operators MTN Uganda and
                         Authorization  to  manufacture  telecommunications   Airtel Uganda control almost 90% of the local mobile
                         equipment for those who intend to set up manufacturing/   market  between  them.  Another  condition  of  the  new
                         assembly plants for telecommunications equipment.  licenses will be for operators to share fiber backbone
                         Authorization  for  disposal  of  communications   infrastructure to avoid the expense of each firm rolling
                         equipment.                                     out overlapping networks.
                         Authorizations for value-added services        (November 1, 2019)

                         The National Television & Radio Broadcasting Council   State Centre of Radio Frequencies (UCRF) will allocate
                         (NRADA)  announced  on  its  website  that  it  has   additional frequencies for local/regional broadcasting.
                         approved  a  draft  Action  Plan  to  free  up  the  ‘digital   Preliminary  calculations  for  redevelopment  of  local
                         dividend’  790MHz-862MHz  (800MHz)  and  694MHz-  and  regional  TV  channels  are  due  from  the  UCRF
                         790MHz  (700MHz)  frequency  bands  for  4G  LTE   in  April  2020,  NRADA  added.  (December  17,  2019)
        Ukraine          mobile broadband services by redistributing spectrum
                         used  by  TV  broadcasting.  The  plan  was  approved  at
                         NRADA’s meeting on 12 December in accordance with   Telecoms regulator the NCCIR issued Decision No. 529
                         Presidential Decree No. 497 of 8 July 2019 ‘On Some   on 12 November 2019 confirming that it will allocate
                         Measures to Improve Access to Mobile Internet’, and will   nationwide  5G-suitable  wireless  spectrum  in  the
                         now be sent to the State Secretariat of Administration   3400MHz-3600MHz range ‘on a competitive or tender
                         for further approval by the Cabinet of Ministers. Under   basis’.  On  the  same  date  the  watchdog  withdrew  an
                         the  plan,  national  digital  TV  channels  will  operate   operating  permit  of  FreshTel,  which  previously  held
                         in  the  470MHz-694MHz  range,  while  the  Ukrainian   frequencies in the band but had its license cancelled

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