Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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                         The   Superintendency  of   Telecommunications  of 5G in the country means a loss of competitiveness
                         (Superintendencia  de  Telecomunicaciones,  Sutel)  has   and  loss of investment  in  the  country, as  well  as  a
                         urged  the  government  to help  it  recover unused  and   limitation  to  the  benefits  that  users  could  receive
                         underused spectrum in the 2.6GHz band, which it deems   from these  technologies.’  On  7  September  president
        Costa Rica       to be ‘vital for the development of 5G in Costa Rica’. The   Rodrigo Chaves Robles confirmed that he has signed an
                         demand follows high-level government intervention to   agreement which will see state-backed utility firm/telco
                         help secure the 3.5GHz band for 5G use (see below).   Grupo ICE  return  its  unused  5G-suitable  spectrum in
                         As  before,  state-backed  utility  firm/telco  Grupo  ICE   the 3.5GHz band. The agreement covered frequencies
                         (and  its  RACSA  subsidiary)  has  been  named  as  the   in  the  3400MHz-3500MHz  and  3600MHz-3625MHz
                         culprit. Gilbert  Camacho Mora,  president  of the  Sutel   bands. In addition to the 2.6GHz and 3.5GHz bands, The
                         Council, stated:  ‘The  Executive  Branch must continue   Grupo ICE has previously been accused of under-use of
                         with the immediate actions necessary to recover these   spectrum in the 1400MHz and 26GHz bands.
                         resources, because  they have  the  technical  and  legal   (November 1, 2022)
                         criteria to move forward. A further delay in the arrival

                         The Croatian Regulatory Agency for Network Operations   available in the 3.5GHz band for regional (county level)
                         (Hrvatska  regulatorna agencija  za  mrezne  djelatnosti,   operations, though this will be allocated via a separate
                         HAKOM) has received five applications to participate in   auction process. Incumbent cellcos Hrvatski Telekom
                         its forthcoming multi-band spectrum auction which is   (HT),  A1 and  Telemach applied to take part  in  the
        Croatia          due to begin on 16 January. The sale includes 60MHz   800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz and 2600MHz
                         in  the  800MHz  band, 70MHz  at  900MHz,  150MHz  at   auctions, while the regional 3.5GHz license sale will be
                         1800MHz, 120MHz in the 2100MHz range and 140MHz   contested by Digicom and Markoja.
                         in  the  2.6GHz  band.  There  will  also  be  up  to  80MHz   (November 10, 2022)

                         Turkcell has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary   The  BTHK  was initially  planning  to award 16  blocks
                         Kuzey  Kibris  Turkcell  (KKTCell),  which  operates  in   of spectrum to the  two existing  mobile  operators
                         the  Turkish  Republic  of Northern  Cyprus (TRNC),  has   in  the  TRNC,  KKTC  Telsim  and KKTCell,  in  October
                         participated  in  the  Information  Technologies  and   (subsequently  postponed  due  to an  objection  lodged
        Cyprus           Communication  Authority’s  (Bilgi  Teknolojileri  ve   with the Competition Board). The 4G authorizations will
                         Haberlesme Kurumu, BTHK’s) 4G/5G spectrum auction,   require successful bidders to deploy 4G technology with
                         held  on 2  November 2022.  KKTCell  bid  USD16.462   minimum downlink of 30Mbps ten months after license
                         million for a total of 247MHz of spectrum in the 700MHz,   award. Regarding  5G, license  holders  will  have three
                         800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and   years  to  deploy  5G  with  minimum download  speeds
                         3600MHz  bands,  and  will  receive  a 4G  license  with   of 100Mbps to 60% of the population (95% within five
                         18-year validity and a 5G license with 20-year validity.   years of license award). (November 4, 2022)

                         The  Electricity  and  Telecommunications  Superinten-  Telefonica Moviles  El Salvador  (Movistar).  Interested
                         dency  (Superintendencia  General  de  Electricidad  y   parties have until 20 December to submit their applica-
                         Telecom, SIGET) has launched a public tender for mo-  tions for the 2×15MHz on offer, with the auction set to
                         bile  spectrum in  the  1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-  take place on 23 December. SIGET has set a minimum
        El Salvador      2170MHz (Extended AWS) frequency range. The move   bid price of USD22.69 million for the frequencies.
                         follows a request from mobile network operator (MNO)   (December 13, 2022)

                         The  Consumer Protection  and  Technical  Regulatory   the  minimum EUR2.00  million  for two concessions.
                         Authority  (Tarbijakaitse  ja  Tehnilise  Jarelevalve  Amet,   Licensees  are  obliged  to cover  50%  of every  county
                         TTJA)  in  Estonia  has  announced  the  winners  of its   within two years and 95% within four years, except for
                         700MHz 5G  spectrum auction.  Incumbent  cellcos Te-  five counties where 700MHz coverage cannot be guar-
        Estonia          lia, Elisa and Tele2 all secured two 2×5MHz licenses.   anteed due to interference from TV broadcasts in neigh-
                         The auction began on 8 November, with each of the six   boring Russia. In these counties operators can meet the
                         available licenses carrying a starting price of EUR1 mil-  95%  target  using  other frequency bands.  Earlier this
                         lion (USD1.03 million). The process ended after three   year Elisa, Telia and Tele2 won 3.5GHz licenses. (November
                         rounds of bidding, with Elisa offering EUR2.11 million,   15, 2022) 100  NOVEMBER- DECEMBER 2022
                         Telia agreeing to pay EUR2.01 million and Tele2 bidding
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