Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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the people in rural areas of Haiti do not have readily National des Telecommunications, Conatel) authorized
available access to the internet. With Starlink’s services, SpaceX to commence a two-year pilot program in Haiti.
the people will be provided the opportunity to obtain Earlier that month, meanwhile, neighboring Dominican
reliable internet services … The future development Republic became the first Caribbean country to offer
of Haiti is in the hands of those who are empowered connectivity from Starlink on a commercial basis.
to support its ecosystem.’ Previously, in July this year (November 29, 2022)
National Council of Telecommunications (Conseil
The Communications Authority (CA) has opened a concessions by way of a competitive auction process.
consultation into the reassignment of spectrum licenses A CA spokesperson said: ‘Under the technology neutral
in the 850MHz and 2.3GHz bands. The proposals cover approach, prospective spectrum assignees may make
20MHz at 850MHz which is currently split between two use of the spectrum acquired for the provision of 4G, 5G
Hong Kong operators, plus 90MHz in the 2.3GHz range which is services, etc. to meet the future demand for innovative
split between three firms. The 850MHz licenses expire
mobile services and applications.’
in May 2026 while the 2.3GHz concessions expire in (November 18, 2022)
March 2027. The regulator is proposing reallocating the
The National Media & Infocommunications Authority has been checked by the NMHH for interference – with
(Nemzeti Media- es Hirkozlesi Hatosag, NMHH) has measurements shown to be ‘adequate’ according to the
released documentation for the planned auction of regulator. A total of 672MHz of frequency usage rights
the currently unused 32GHz frequency band, with a split into 24 units will be available for purchase via an
Hungary consultation for market participants to be held on 22 electronic auction. The 26GHz mmWave spectrum
November 2022. The regulator states that the purpose
band has increasingly featured in the 5G license auction
of the sale is to free up the 26GHz frequency band strategies of countries worldwide.
currently used for carrier network services and make it (November 11, 2022)
available for 5G services. The ‘greenfield’ 32GHz band
India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) would be used for ‘experimental purposes to develop
is reportedly in favor of increasing the 5G spectrum products and solutions based on new technologies,
allocation for state-backed telco Bharat Sanchar particularly the sixth generation (6G)’. The initiative is
Nigam Limited (BSNL. According to the source the intended to allow institutions, research organizations
India DoT committee has approved BSNL’s proposal and the and industry players to obtain airwaves to conduct pre-
standardization studies. By doing so India could take a
matter will now be discussed by an inter-ministerial
panel before going to the cabinet for a final decision. more active role in standards setting, the official added,
The spectrum in the 600MHz (10MHz), 3300MHz noting that this would also strengthen India’s tech
(40MHz) and 26GHz (400GHz) bands had been reserved manufacturing industries. (November 11, 2022) The Economic Times
for BSNL’s 5G services, but the operator requested that
allotment be increased. The source claimed that the The Indian government has approved a deal between
DoT has greenlit plans to award 10MHz in the 700MHz state-owned operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
range and to increase the 3300MHz reservation to (BSNL) and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for the
70MHz. (December 16, 2022) The Economic Times rollout of the former’s 4G network. The officials aware
of the details of the deal says that BSNL will purchase
India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) will 100,000 sites, whilst TCS will be responsible for the
seek input from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of deployment and maintenance of the sites for nine
India (TRAI) on the allocation of spectrum in the 95GHz years. The purchase is estimated to be worth around
to 3THz range for use in research and development of INR268.2 billion (USD3.3 billion).
6G technologies. According to the source, the airwaves (November 10, 2022) The Economic Times