Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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        The  Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)  held  an   noting that over 600,000 buildings are covered by fiber services in
        annual  media  meeting  to review its  achievements  of 2022  and   2022. Around 51 per cent of buildings have been covered by fiber
        to  discuss  its  upcoming plans.  Speaking  on  the  achievements   optic services and there are plans to cover 50,000 new buildings
        of the year 2022, Omar bin Hamdan al Ismaili, CEO of TRA, said   in 2023 with optical fiber networks”, he added. TRA has a target
        that 12 regulations were issued this year to raise the quality of   to cover 75 per cent of the buildings in the country with an optical
        telecommunications services in  the  country. On  the  issue  of   fiber network by 2025. According to TRA, the 5G and optic fiber
        disruption  in  telecom  services,  Ismaili,  said  that  this  is  due  to   services cover about 94 per cent of 880 schools. TRA said that
        damages related to undersea cables. “We have to find alternative   the most important regulation issued in 2022 was regarding voice
        routes for  these  cables  which require huge investment,  apart   or video  communication  services  via  the  Internet  Protocol.  The
        from having regulations for the docking of ships.” He added that   meeting said that the coverage of postal services in the country
        a price report for telecom companies' services will be published   has reached 85 per cent and currently there are three international
        next week, which has been prepared by an independent body to   companies and 20  local companies operating  in  the  country.
        achieve transparency, and for companies to look at prices in the   TRA said it has dealt with more than 30,000 inquiries through all
        Arab region. TRA said that there is a program to close 3G networks   platforms available to the beneficiary with a 20-second average
        so that service providers can use 3G spectrum capacities for new   waiting time at the call center. An amount worth RO40,000 was
        technologies such as 4G and 5G. It was revealed that nearly 80 per   refunded to beneficiaries, while 314 decisions were issued against
        cent of buildings will be covered by fixed high-speed broadband,   telecommunications companies. (December 25, 2022)


        Pakistan  Telecommunication Authority  (PTA)  has  carried out   promote a healthy competition among the operators.
        independent Quality of Service (QoS) surveys in 09 cities of Punjab   (December 1, 2022)
        and Sindh and 13 motorways/highways of Pakistan. A survey was
        also  conducted, jointly  with  Cellular  Mobile  Operators  (CMOs),   The  Pakistan Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has  identified
        in 08 cities of Gilgit Baltistan. These surveys were undertaken to   and blocked 4,395,566 Subscriber Identity Modules (SIMs) from
        measure performance and quality of CMOs services being provided   2020  to  2022  suspected  of  being  involved  in  gray  trafficking
        to their customers. The results revealed that CMOs are compliant   to  safeguard  potential  loss.  Gray  traffic  is  essentially  the
        with  respect  to data  speeds  to a great  extent,  while  network   concealment  of  incoming  international  telephone  calls  (traffic),
        latency and webpage loading time was found below the threshold.   which are terminated on fixed and mobile networks by using illegal
        Similarly, some of the Voice KPIs have also been found below the   channels and other means for the purpose of avoiding taxes and
        licensed threshold in few areas. Necessary instructions have been   levies, adding that biometric verification is related to the proper
        issued to the operators for taking corrective measures to ensure   issuance  of SIMs  and  is  not  a  direct  measure  to control gray
        improvement in service quality up to the KPIs. In accordance with   traffic.  Furthermore,  gray  traffic  is  terminated  through  mobile
        Next  Generation  Mobile  Service (NGMS) licenses  and  Cellular   connections  as  well  as  other  fixed-line  termination  channels.
        Mobile Network Quality of Service (QoS) Regulations 2021, mobile   According to official documents, the PTA analyzes the traffic data
        network coverage, QoS KPIs of Voice, SMS and Mobile Broadband   of international incoming calls on a regular basis in order to identify
        were checked using state-of-the-art automated QoS Monitoring &   SIMs suspected of being involved in gray traffic. Upon detection,
        Benchmarking Tool. The drive test teams selected survey routes to   these SIMs are blocked to safeguard against potential loss. Since
        cover main roads, service roads and majority of sectors/colonies   2020-22,  a  total  of  4,395,566  such  SIMs  have  been  identified
        in surveyed areas. Based upon set KPIs against threshold defined   and blocked. Whereas, based upon irregularities observed in the
        in the respective licenses and QoS regulations, CMOs have been   issuance of a number of gray SIMs, a fine of Rs. 150 million has
        ranked between 1st to 5th position in Mobile Network Coverage   also  been  imposed  on  the  respective  cellular  mobile  operators
        and  Voice  Services  in  surveyed  cities  and  roads/motorways.   (CMOs).  However,  no  CMO  itself  has  been  identified  as  using
        Similarly, in Mobile Broadband Speed segment, the ranking is with   such  SIMs  for  gray  traffic  termination,  as  maintained  in  the
        respect  to highest  data  download and  upload speed,  network   documents.  Official  sources  revealed  that  a  significant  decline
        latency and webpage loading time. The service quality monitoring   has been observed in gray traffic since the deployment of the Web
        activity is carried out by PTA field teams with the ultimate aim to   Management  Solution  (WMS), which  blocks  voice  calls  coming
        pursue the operators for provision of better mobile services and to   through unauthorized gray channels. Sources revealed that gray

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