Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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trafficking, which has been reduced significantly, could not be ruled stage. Sources in the MoITT told ProPakistani that the initial draft
out completely despite biometric verification and posed a serious of the Telecom Industry Infrastructure Sharing Framework was
security threat. Gray SIMs are either issued by defrauding people shared with the stakeholders, on which the stakeholders have sent
through various means by getting their finger impressions in real- their recommendations to the MoITT. According to the sources,
time or by misusing their captured finger impressions on silicon Tawal, Enfrashare, Sunwalk, Telenor, Jazz, Zong, PTCL, Wateen,
sheets in offline mode. To curb the menace of gray traffic, the PTA Ufone, and other stakeholders shared their suggestions on active
has adopted a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Some and passive infrastructure sharing with MoITT. The MoITT is
details are as follows: finalizing the telecom industry infrastructure-sharing framework
• Strengthening of BVS to minimize misuse; these include the after incorporating these suggestions. According to the MoITT,
introduction of Live Finger Detect (LFD)-based BVS machines the telecom industry infrastructure sharing framework will provide
and broadcasting of SIM counts to each subscriber. a mechanism for licensees and other stakeholders to share their
• Action against violating sale channels by CMOs, including the telecom and other infrastructure facilities that would include space,
imposition of fines and the suspension and termination of sale electrical power, air conditioning, security, cable ducts, space on
channels; antenna and towers, etc. Infrastructure sharing promotes resource
• Action against Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs) by the PTA. optimization by better utilization of assets, avoiding duplication of
Show-cause notices were served to some mobile operators for the network, saves time and cost in network and service rollouts.
the involvement of their sale channels in the issuance of gray According to MoITT, the infrastructure sharing framework will open
SIMs. the huge potential for foreign direct investment and the inclusion
• The cases of the issuance of gray SIMs are regularly shared with of new companies in Pakistan. It will also facilitate cellular mobile
the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). operators to reduce operational costs to enhance sustainability.
(November 22, 2022) The framework once in place will open a new era of domestic
and international investments in Pakistan and will increase job
The work on the telecom industry infrastructure sharing framework opportunities.
by the Ministry of IT and Telecommunication has entered the final (November 30, 2022)
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) approved
about 29,000 requests between 2019-2022 that support the Qatar Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has selected
development of the telecom infrastructure in the State of Qatar. a solution to monitor mobile operators’ network quality supplied
In addition to approving 1,068 requests to build new mobile sites, by network lifecycle automation expert Infovista. The aim is to
CRA also gave 21,215 approvals for non-objection requests to use the solution during major upcoming sporting events in Qatar,
open roads for fixed infrastructure works through the Qatar Permit where active and dynamic testing of live mobile networks in
Road Opening (Q-PRO) system, in collaboration with relevant sports stadiums and key points of interest will help ensure that
authorities in the State of Qatar. Furthermore, CRA handled 4,390 operators fulfil the obligations stipulated in their licenses when
requests via the Qatar Online Design Review System (Q-DRS), providing services to subscribers. By having a holistic view of the
and via the Duct Management System (DMS), CRA handled 2,116 performance of all networks at key moments during events when
requests related to the use of government telecom infrastructure. usage spikes, Infovista says that the CRA will have an independent
“The State of Qatar has a high-level telecom infrastructure, which and true record of operator key performance indicators (KPIs) and
contributes to the success of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. be able to mandate service improvements where needed. The
This infrastructure is represented by a fiber-optic network that CRA will focus its monitoring and measurement on key locations
has achieved the goals of the comprehensive coverage strategy including football stadiums, shopping malls, Doha Metro, and
for all houses in Qatar, as well as mobile networks where the Hamad International Airport – all areas which will see a huge
coverage rate of Fourth Generation technology (4G and 4G temporary influx of visitors and significant increases in demand
Advanced) reached around 100%, and the coverage rate of the for mobile voice and data services. Leveraging Infovista’s fully
Fifth Generation (5G) network reached around 96%,” said Ali Al autonomous network quality of service (QoS) monitoring solution,
Suwaidi, Technical Affairs Department Director, CRA. To ensure consisting of TEMS Sense and TEMS Director, the CRA will use
that consumers in the State of Qatar have access to cutting-edge network testing probes placed around key sites within these
and top-notch telecom services, he continued, “CRA over the years venues. In addition, it will dynamically test how the networks are
ensured the development of the telecom infrastructure, including responding to unscheduled spikes in data traffic as subscribers
the mobile and fixed networks, at the highest levels by developing take to social media to share key moments with family and
the necessary regulatory instruments and providing facilities for friends. TEMS Sense provides powerful network testing and
telecom Service Providers to develop their networks.” measurement probes which the CRA can use to undertake active
(December 11, 2022) testing of all mobile networks. KPI data gathered will include