Page 5 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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        In such scenarios, it may just be the right   Opportunities  brought  forth  by  the  latest   could serve as a strong starting point for
        time  to  experiment  on  all  fronts  with  the   digital  developments  and  the  digital   countries  that  are  "ICT  Novices"  or  "ICT
        involvement of all concerned stakeholders   economy   require   inclusive   growth,   Patrons" but which aim to transform into
        and  capitalize  on  the  true  potential  that   innovation, and sustainable development.   "Business  Hubs",  "Innovation  Hubs",  or
        lies before us.                      Achieving this milestone, in turn, demands   "Innovation Hubs"; to borrow some terms
                                             that  we  advance  the  necessary  ICT   from  the  latest  digital-economy  study
        For Operators, rebuilding  market position   infrastructure,  develop  human  capital   conducted  by  two  valued  Members  of
        in the Digital Economy and 5G is crucial for   for  the  digital  age,  create  awareness   SAMENA  Council,  Huawei  and  Arthur.  D.
        business  sustainability and for fostering   and  relevance  to  proliferate  meaningful   Little.
        innovation, and thus all efforts should be   digital services, and ensure everyone and
        exerted  toward  capturing  the  full  digital   every  business  can  afford  broadband   As  Policy-makers  and Regulators  work
        potential,  including  for  enhancing  profit   connectivity  and  quality-of-service.  At   hard  to  create  an  enabling  environment,
        margins.  At  the  same  time,  however,   the same time, it is important to recognize   comprising,  for example,  tax  relief
        realization  demands  that  we  do  keep   that  digital  economy  is  boosted  through   incentives,  timely  award  of  spectrum
        in  mind  that  in  most  of  the  SA-ME-NA   businesses  and  businesses  require  at  reduced  license  fees,  among  other
        region and in other parts of the developing   security and predictability in the market.  regulatory,  legal,  and  pertinent  financial
        world,  many  hard  to  reach  areas  where                              incentives  and  supportive  measures,  the
        broadband  connectivity  has  yet  not   Drawing  upon  global  recommendations,   Private  Sector  needs  to  work  in  close
        arrived,  do  remain  an  untapped  profit-  such  as  from  the  ITU  and  the  UN   collaboration  with  the  Public  Sector  to
        margin  area  for  the  discerning  investor.   Broadband  Commission  —  to  exert   support  collective  efforts  in  building  a
        Such  clear  connectivity  gaps  do  need   expeditious  efforts in last-mile ICT   sustainable  digital  economy,  which  will
        to  be  filled,  combined  with  affordability   infrastructure expansion with Fiber-based   rely not only on connectivity infrastructure,
        and guarantees of minimum broadband   networks, achieve Universal Digital Access,   but also  on capacity-building  and ICT
        speeds.  In  order  to  fill  these  connectivity   foster  productivity  in  the  Enterprise   Talent  development  initiatives,  to  help
        gap,  most  definitely,  gaps  in  funding  and   Sector,  improve  Government  Digitization   realize digitization-driven socio-economic
        financing  communication  infrastructure   processes, implement Smart City visions,   impact across the SA-ME-NA region.
        development first need to be filled. Globally   accelerate  5G  deployment  with  the  right
        speaking,  connecting  the  next  billion  will   level of Fiber penetration and, as a whole,   Such  are  the  demands  of  the  Digital
        be substantially more difficult than it was   to build a sustainable Digital Economy —  Economy.
        early on when the telecom/ICT landscape
        was comparatively simpler.
        To  recap,  and  as  was  highlighted  during
        this month's SAMENA Accelerator on two
        different occasions, once on November 19th
        and then on November 25th, sustainability
        and  inclusiveness  are  the  key  principles
        for building successful digital economies.
        It  is  truly  through  collaboration  and  by
        fostering  inclusion and participation of
        everyone that we can ensure that we will
        take into account  different needs  and
        issues into consideration. As our societies
        and  the  global  economy  digitalize,  there
        are  ever  more  possibilities  to  advance
        standards of living through human-centric
        provision of digital services.

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