Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        Effective Spectrum Management Key to an All-Inclusive Digital Economy in

        Asia-Pacific Countries

                                                               publications  made  available  by  the  ITU  Radiocommunication
                                                               Bureau  to  the  Administrations  of  Member  States  and  the  ITU
                                                               Radiocommunication  Sector  (ITU-R)  Members.  “The  Radio
                                                               Regulations updated at WRC-19 are a vital tool to promote the
                                                               development of new technologies and innovative applications and
                                                               assist  nations  to  better  respond  and  recover  from  global  crisis
                                                               brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Mario Maniewicz,
                                                               Director  of  the  ITU  Radiocommunication  Bureau.  “Asia-Pacific
                                                               is one of the most diverse regions with highly advanced digital
                                                               economies,  but  also  several  Least  Developed  and  Small  Island
                                                               Developing States that are facing specific social, economic, and
                                                               environmental vulnerabilities. ITU is committed to working with
                                                               all member states in the region to promote an all-inclusive digital
                                                               Exploring challenges and opportunities for the Region
        The  ITU  Regional  Radiocommunication  Seminar  2020  for  the   RRS-20-Asia-Pacific   concluded   with   a   Forum   entitled
        Asia-Pacific  Region  (RRS-20-Asia-Pacific)  was  held  virtually   "WRC-19  outcomes:  challenges  and  opportunities  for  the
        from  19-30  October.  The  seminar  provided  participants   Region."  The  Forum  featured  panel  sessions  about  diverse
        with  an  opportunity  to  learn  the  basic  concepts  of  spectrum   radiocommunication  services  and  systems,  including  among
        management  at  national  and  international  levels  and  their   others:  digital  TV,  broadband  satellites  (GSO  and  non-GSO),
        connection to the provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations. Also   IMT  and  other  wireless  broadband  technologies,  high-altitude
        discussed  were  future radio-frequency  spectrum  requirements   platform  stations  (HAPS),  Radio  Local  Area  Networks  (RLAN)/
        for  radiocommunication  systems  in  the  context  of  outcomes   Wi-Fi,  maritime  and  aeronautical  systems,  intelligent  transport
        of  the  ITU  World  Radiocommunication  Conference  (WRC-19)   systems (ITS), emergency communications, 5G spectrum pricing,
        held  in  Sharm  el-Sheikh,  Egypt,  in  2019.  "Radiocommunication   and the WRC-23 agenda. The main objective of the ITU Regional
        services  are  profoundly  transforming  many  aspects  of  our   Radiocommunication  Seminars  is  to  assist  Member  States  in
        lives,"  said  ITU  Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao.  “The  Regional   spectrum management activities and the application of the ITU
        Radiocommunication Seminars provide an excellent opportunity   Radio  Regulations  (RR),  with  special  attention  to  developing
        for our members to learn the practical applications of the updated   countries.  These  seminars  are  organized  to  complement  the
        ITU  Radio  Regulations  to  leverage  the  economic  opportunities   larger,  biennial  World  Radiocommunication  Seminars  (WRS)
        brought  by  technology."  The  Seminar  covered  the  regulatory   so that all ITU countries and regions have ample opportunity to
        framework  for  both  terrestrial  and  space  services  and  the   prepare for WRC-23, which will update the RR, the international
        procedures  for  recording  frequency  assignments  in  the  Master   treaty governing the use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite
        International  Frequency  Register  (MIFR).  It  also  included  basic   orbital resources. The seminar drew more than 300 participants
        training on software tools developed by ITU for frequency notices   from over 30 countries, as well as 10 international organizations,
        for those services and for technical examinations. Various tutorials   and representatives of the telecommunication industry, operators,
        also  enabled  participants  to  familiarize  themselves  with  ITU   international organizations, associations, and academia from the
        notification procedures, as well as with the software and electronic   Asia-Pacific Region.

        ACM Decides KPN No Longer has SMP in Leased Lines Segment

        The Netherlands’ Authority for Consumers   telecoms segment (which includes leased   has submitted a draft version of its Market
        & Markets (ACM) has issued a draft decision   lines based on Ethernet and technologies).   Analysis  for  Wholesale  High-Quality
        concluding that incumbent national PSTN   ACM no longer sees any reason to impose   Access for consultation to parties involved
        operator  KPN  no  longer  has  significant   regulatory  obligations  on  KPN  in  this   in  the  business  telecom  services  market,
        market  power  (SMP)  on  the  market  for   market due to increased competition from   accepting  comments  until  14  January
        Wholesale High-Quality Access in the B2B   various fiber infrastructure operators. ACM   2021.
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