Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 74


        Australia Operators Face Increased Price Competition

        Australia’s mobile market declined for the first time in a decade   spending, accounting for 16 per cent of all services in operation
        as the number of connections dipped and international roaming   at  end-June,  2  percentage  points  higher  on  an  annual  basis.
        plummeted, with analyst company Telsyte expecting the sector to   Weak  outlook  Telsyte  forecast  the  number  of  mobile  services
        remain under pressure over the next two years. In the year to end-  in operation to remain at similar levels over the next 12 months
        June, mobile service revenue fell 4 per cent to AUD13 billion ($9.5   to  18  months,  with  further  consolidation  of  services  leading  to
        billion)  due  to  the  impact  of  Covid-19  (coronavirus)  lockdown   increased competition. It expects more market consolidation as
        measures. Telsyte said Optus and TPG Telecom (which recently   operators  look  to  mergers  for  growth.  Senior  analyst  Alvin  Lee
        merged  with  Vodafone  Hutchison  Australia)  were  impacted   said consumers will be the big winners in the next 12 months,
        the  most,  while  market  leader  Telstra  maintained  its  market   as  service  providers  battle  it  out  with  attractive  offers.  Telsyte
        share due to its strong performance in the mobile IoT category.   anticipates  demand  for  5G  smartphones  will  take  off  in  2021
        Connections stood at 36.2 million at end-June, 62,000 lower than   as  coverage  increases  and  more  affordable  mid-range  models
        end-December 2019. Telsyte attributed the drop to a 5 per cent   become  available.  Less  than  15  per  cent  of  smartphones  sold
        decline in prepaid subscriptions. The MVNO segment bucked the   in the recent six month period were compatible, with fewer than
        downward trend as consumers looked for deals to manage their   500,000 5G mobile subscribers.

        Applications for Next Round of Mobile Black Spot Program Opened

        With  a  view  to  ‘continuing  to  expand  and  improve  mobile  coverage  across
        regional and remote Australia’, the Australian government has announced that
        Round 5A of its ‘Mobile Black Spot Program’ is now open for applications. In
        confirming  the  development,  the  Department  of  Infrastructure,  Transport,
        Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) noted that Round 5A will
        be used to test a range of different program designs. Further, it noted that Round
        5A  includes  a  focus  on  three  priority  funding  areas,  specifically:  high  priority
        natural disaster prone areas, including those affected or prone to bushfire; new
        technology solutions in areas where low population densities have discouraged
        applications under earlier rounds of the program; and major regional and remote
        transport corridors. Funding of up to AUD34.5 million (USD25 million) for this
        latest round will be drawn from unused funding from Round 5, while it has been
        noted that Round 5A will help to inform the design of Round 6, funding for which
        was committed in the government’s 2019/20 Budget. Mobile network operators
        and infrastructure providers have until 16 December to register their interest in
        taking part in this latest phase of the program. To date, more than 1,200 new
        mobile base stations have been funded under the first five rounds of the Mobile
        Black Spot Program, of which more than 880 are now live.

        Australia Opens Latest Round of Rural Coverage Push

        The  government  opened  the  next  round   giving consumers more choice to increase   is  critical  for keeping  people  connected
        of a mobile black spot coverage program   competition. He said there will be a specific   during   times   of   emergency.”   The
        for applications,  and released  guidelines   focus on improving mobile coverage along   government will contribute up to AUD34.5
        for  the  initiative  aimed  at  improving   major transport corridors and in disaster-  million ($25.3 million) for round 5A, drawn
        coverage  across  regional  and  remote   prone regions. Findings from round 5A will   from  unused  funding  from  the  previous
        areas. Mark Coulton, minister for Regional   help to design the sixth round, funding for   round.  In  April,  the  government  awarded
        Health,  Regional  Communications  and   which was committed in the fiscal 2019 to   funding for 182 base stations to operators
        Local Government, said during a Regional   2020 budget. Minister for Communications,   as part of the fifth round. Since 2013, the
        Australia  Institute  webinar  round  5A   Cyber  Safety  and  the  Arts  Paul  Fletcher   government committed AUD380 million to
        of  the  program  aims  to  support  new   said  the  government  continues  to  work   the  program,  funding  the  rollout  of  1,200
        ways  of  delivering  mobile  services  to   with industry, state and local governments   base stations.
        locations  which  have  traditionally  been   to improve connectivity. “Improving mobile
        less economic  for mobile operators,  and   coverage  in  natural  disaster-prone  areas

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