Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 100


        TRA Proposes Changes to BNET’s Reference Offer Process and Deployment

        Targets; Aiming  to Further Enhance  Connectivity  and  Bahrain’s  Global


                                                                                 region and a global leader. The proposals
                                                                                 offer  a  streamlined  approach  benefiting
                                                                                 telecom  operators enabling  them to
                                                                                 meet market demand. It  also ensures
                                                                                 that  consumers enjoy  a  wider  range of
                                                                                 reliable  and high-quality services. We
                                                                                 firmly believe that enhancing the telecoms
                                                                                 ecosystem  will  contribute  to Bahrain's
                                                                                 economic  growth and prosperity, while
                                                                                 fostering  a  more  vibrant  and competitive
        As part of its commitment to ensuring a well-  this, the TRA is proposing clear deployment   telecommunications market.” In parallel, the
        connected Bahrain, and maintaining world-  targets for BNET, aimed at enhancing fiber   TRA is inviting stakeholders to participate
        class telecoms infrastructure, the  TRA   availability  for everyone. Additionally, the   in a workshop.  The  objective of the
        published  Consultation Papers proposing   TRA aims  to streamline the amendment   workshop is to facilitate an open dialogue
        changes to key aspects of Bahrain Network   and approval process for Reference Offers,   and promote a  shared understanding
        (BNET)'s current deployment targets   promoting  a simpler, faster, and more   regarding  the future economic  regulation
        and Reference  Offer process. To sustain   efficient approach. Philip Marnick, General   of BNET,  before  formally  consulting on
        Bahrain’s global competitiveness,  The   Director of  the  TRA, commented “We   the regulatory  model that  best  serves a
        TRA proposes to enhance BNET’s service   are committed  to creating a  competitive   competitive telecom  sector.  Enabling  the
        accessibility at  prices  that  are  fair  and   and consumer-centric  environment that   sector to continue ensuring Bahrain is one
        reasonable.  These  Consultation Papers   ensures everyone can get the fiber services   of the best places to establish and operate
        underscore TRA’s ambition  of ensuring   they need at attractive prices. We are also   a business, has world leading broadband
        ultra-fast fiber services are available to all   committed to ensuring Bahrain continues   services and supports  mobile operators
        consumers  and  businesses. To  achieve   to be the leading  telecoms  market in the   ability to deploy the latest services.

        Spanish  Govt Ponders Buying  into Telefonica to Counteract  stc; Saudis

        Reportedly Drop Plan to Raise Stake

        The government  of Spain is  reportedly   operation’  as  saying that  Saudi Arabia’s
        weighing plans to take a stake in Telefonica   largest telecoms  operator  had opted  not
        via  the sovereign  wealth  fund  Sociedad   to progress the conversion at this time but
        Estatal  de Participaciones  Industriales   neither  it  nor Telefonica  would  comment
        (SEPI) in a move designed to counter Saudi   on the report, and the Spanish government
        Telecom  Company  (stc)  if  it  attempts  to   also  had no immediate comment. Last
        become the Spanish telecom giant’s largest   month  stc acquired  a 9.9% stake in
        shareholder.  Reuters  cites  a  filing  to  the   Telefonica  for a  total  consideration  of
        stock market regulator dated 31 October   EUR2.1 billion (USD2.23 billion), though it
        in  which  SEPI  noted that  the plan  ‘does   added it did not intend to acquire control or
        not assume a decision on an acquisition’.   amass a majority stake. ‘This investment
        Alongside this development, El Economista   is  in line with stc’s growth strategy to   it said.  TeleGeography  notes  too that as
        reports that stc has ‘dropped’ a proposal   expand by acquiring stakes in value-added   Telefonica is considered a ‘defence service
        to convert  the 5.0%  stake in Telefonica   strategic  assets in promising  markets,   provider’, Spain’s Ministry of Defence has a
        it holds as  derivatives into shares, and   along  with  benefiting  from  the  return  on   say in acquisitions and holdings between
        instead keep its current stake at 4.9%. The   these investments to support stc’s growth,   5% and 10%, unless the buyer commits not
        newspaper cited people ‘familiar with the   expansion,  and capital  recycling efforts,’   to request a seat on the board.

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