Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 99


        Saudi  Arabia Chairs Several Leadership  Positions in the World

        Radiocommunication Conference “WRC23”

        Saudi Arabia chairs a  number of     cooperation  and  solidarity  in  the  field  of   positions in the ITU such as chairing the
        leadership  positions during  the World   radiocommunications  through  its  leading   Radio Regulations Board (RRB).
        Radiocommunication Conference "WRC23"
        held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE),
        which  was  a result of consensus  by
        the member states of the International
        Telecommunication Union (ITU). The Saudi
        representatives will assume executive roles
        in the conference by leading the decision-
        making  process  and developing  reports
        related to international spectrum allocation,
        technical  and regulatory measures to
        ensure better use of frequencies used by
        space, aeronautical, maritime  and other
        services to avoid any radio interference.
        During the opening of the conference, the
        Chairman of the conference and the Vice
        Chair were elected, as Saudi Arabia won the
        position of Vice Chair of the Conference to
        be led by Eng. Mohammed Al-Abdulqader.
        In addition, Eng. Abdulrahman AlNajdi was
        elected  as  the Chair of Space  Services
        Committee, while Eng. Saad Bin Askar was
        elected  as  the Chair of the Aeronautical
        Applications  Committee. Saudi Arabia
        also  won the position of the Chair of
        Radiocommunication  Advisory  Group
        (RAG), which will be led by Eng. Mohammad
        AlJanoobi. The RAG reviews the strategies
        and priorities  of the radio sector in the
        International  Radiocommunication Union
        (ITU-R), and provides instructions and
        guidance  to the study committees in the
        ITU.  The Communications,  Space  and
        Technology  Commission (CST) stated
        that these positions are a testimony to the
        national Saudi capabilities and reflect the
        trust of the international community in Saudi
        Arabia and its contributions  in achieving
        the goals  of international spectrum
        management and its technical & regulatory
        processes. CST highlights the efforts of the
        Saudi  representatives in the  committees
        and study groups they have been assigned
        to, which reflect  their experiences and
        capabilities  that are reliable  in shaping
        the future of communications, space and
        technology globally. Saudi Arabia has been
        a member of the ITU Council for 58 years
        along with being a  strong  contributor  to
        their initiatives and objectives, as it seeks
        to enhance  regional  and international

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