Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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                                                                            REGULATORY & POLICY UPDATESATORY & POLICY UPDATES  SAMENA TRENDS

                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The  Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications,   was  recognized for Outstanding Enablement  in Broadband
        Mohammed Al  Kaabi,  recently  met with  Dr.  Cosmas Zavazava,   Affordability  at  the South Asia,  Middle East,  and North  Africa
        Director  of the Telecommunication  Development  Bureau (BDT)   (SAMENA) Telecommunications Council’s Leadership & Excellence
        at  the International  Telecommunication  Union (ITU), amid  the   (LEAD) Awards ceremony in Dubai, UAE. This award reflects the
        convening of the Regional Development Forum (RDF-ARB) 2023   Authority’s commitment to ensuring cost-effective and accessible
        for the Arab Region. During this engagement, Minister Al Kaabi   telecommunications  services for everyone.  In attendance  were
        underscored Bahrain’s commitment to strengthening cooperation   executives and dignitaries  from the most prominent  telecom
        with the ITU. He conveyed his aspirations for the forum, which is   operators,  ICT providers,  and regulatory bodies  in the region.
        taking place in Bahrain, to play a pivotal role in the enhancement   Through its ongoing regulatory approach and initiatives towards
        and progress of the communications  sector  within the  region.   protecting  consumers,  the TRA has successfully  fostered a
        Dr.  Zavazava  commended  Bahrain  for its  instrumental support   competitive environment that has resulted in lower telecom rates
        of the ITU’s initiatives and stressed the significance of the forum   compared to other SAMENA council members. The TRA remains
        as a platform for exchanging knowledge and expertise. He also   steadfast in its mission to champion the interests of consumers
        pointed out the importance of discussing the various challenges   and facilitate  a  vibrant telecommunications  sector.  "The LEAD
        and potential opportunities that the telecommunications sector   Award  is  a  recognition  of  the TRA’s  continuous  efforts  to
        is  facing in  the Arab region. The RDF-ARB  2023  forum has   prioritize the best interests of consumers and promote a thriving
        successfully  gathered around  70  delegates,  encompassing   telecommunications sector in Bahrain," commented Philip Marnick,
        government officials, institutional representatives, and key players   General Director of the TRA. "By focusing on the consumer, we
        from the telecommunications industry. This assembly is indicative   have successfully facilitated a sector that offers the best rates
        of Bahrain’s proactive approach to fostering regional dialogue and   in the region, this enables all individuals and businesses to stay
        collaboration aimed at driving forward the telecommunications   connected and helps drive digital transformation in Bahrain. The
        sector’s development. (November 7, 202)  TRA always focuses on fostering fair market competition among
                                                               operators  while also safeguarding  consumer  rights", he added.
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Bahrain   (October 18, 2023)                              Draft


        The Bangladesh Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission   However, it will  review license  and spectrum  fees  to enhance
        (BTRC) has drafted  the "National Broadband  Policy 2023" to   incentives for increased network investment and more equitable
        help  Bangladesh  grow as  an advanced  digital economy.  The   competition, which was a long demand of the telecom operators.
        policy aims at universal access to state-of-the-art, high-capacity   The  government  will  adopt  and amend  necessary laws  and
        broadband  networks,  services,  technology  platforms,  devices   regulations  relating  to  digital  finance.  The  policy  will  ensure
        and applications.  It  will  enable and expand  access  to new   consumer  protection,  security, legality of digital signatures,
        telecom  operator  licenses  and open-market entry  with  a  level-  compensation for fraud or deficient service and other elements
        playing field, including national and unified licenses. The policy   of e-commerce. According to the policy, market competition will
        will  also authorize community-based  networks for ensuring   become more equitable, leading to increased investment, greater
        competitive infrastructure investments to expand  access  and   diversity of service options, higher quality of service and lower
        connectivity. Spectrum will be utilized more efficiently allowing   prices. The policy will "help establish infrastructure and resources
        more cost-effective and extended delivery of wireless broadband   so that these are widely and efficiently shared among competing
        services by competing operators, according to the draft policy.   operators  and across sectors,  leading  to reduced  costs,  more

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