Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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undertaking any international cable-related activities will now be connectivity while also supporting Internet and telephony services.
centralized, it said. Furthermore, the new regulatory framework will International telecom cables with cable landing stations are
afford a higher degree of protection for subsea cables transiting currently operated by Omantel and Ooredoo, although four other
Omani waters from potential harm. Due to their size and location telecom companies – TEO, Connect Arabia International, Awasr
on the seabed, these cables are exposed to damage from activities and Vodafone – have international gateway licenses that allow
such as the anchoring of ships, some types of fishing, dumping them to operate in the cable space as well. Telecom companies
of materials, dredging and mineral exploration, according to the and other stakeholders have until November 15, to share their
TRA. By regulating the market, the Authority aims to safeguard feedback on the draft regulatory framework.
this vital component of telecom infrastructure that currently links (October 29, 2023)
Oman to global communications networks, providing international
On World Children's Day, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority August 2024, according to local news reports citing the Ministry
(PTA) reaffirms its commitment to ensure safety and security of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT).
of the children of Pakistan in the digital realm. Acknowledging According to the reports, the ministry has developed and submitted
the digital impact on children, PTA is dedicated to ensure a to the caretaker federal cabinet a comprehensive business plan
safer internet that meets their educational needs and promotes for the launch of 5G services. The plan includes the hiring of an
positive online interactions. PTA has collaborated with Meta, international consultant to advise on the design of an auction of
TikTok, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and other available 5G spectrum as well, as the creation of an inter-ministerial
prominent organizations to pursue the cause of promoting a safer advisory committee to oversee 5G development. The MoITT’s
online environment for the youth. Through these partnerships proposals were also said to include measures to reduce costs
and collaborative efforts, the regulator is striving to create a associated with infrastructure deployment, though discussions
digital space where children can learn, play, and connect without are ongoing regarding reforms to incentivize participation in the
compromising their personal and digital security. spectrum sale. Similarly, the MoITT stressed that to ensure a fair
(November 22, 2023) and competitive environment, no operator should be allocated
spectrum without a competitive process in place for spectrum
Pakistan is gearing up for the introduction of 5G services by allocation. (October 9, 2023)
The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) in Qatar has significance of this digital framework, stating, “We have developed
taken a step towards simplifying the process of acquiring a this framework out of our interest in developing Qatar’s Information
new SIM card by encouraging consumers to utilize a new digital and Communication Technology (ICT) sector to reflect positively
service provided by Ooredoo Qatar and Vodafone Qatar through on consumers, telecom service providers, and the national
their digital platforms. This innovative e-service leverages Artificial economy at large.” She further emphasized that this initiative
Intelligence (AI) and facial recognition technologies to facilitate aligns with one of the key goals of the Qatar National Vision 2030
user verification during the digital registration process for telecom (QNV 2030), which is to strike a balance between oil-based and
services, utilizing Qatar ID (QID) for citizens and residents, or knowledge-based economies to diversify the Qatari economy and
passports for visitors. With this digital service, applicants can create a stable, sustainable business environment. This move by
have their identities verified, and purchase and payment processes the CRA not only simplifies the process of obtaining SIM cards but
completed entirely online, eliminating the need for them to also underscores Qatar’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge
physically visit the outlets of either of the two service providers. technology to enhance its ICT sector and contribute to the broader
This convenient and efficient service is available for both prepaid goals of economic diversification and sustainability outlined in the
and postpaid telecom services, as well as for physical SIM cards QNV 2030. Consumers in Qatar now have a more convenient and
and e-SIMs. In the case of physical SIM card orders, the cards will efficient way to access essential telecom services, thanks to the
be delivered directly to the applicants. Amel Salem al-Hanawi, the integration of AI and facial recognition technologies into the digital
Consumer Affairs Department Director at CRA, highlighted the registration process. (November 13, 2023)