Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 17


                                                                                 cations policy milestones and the achieve-
                                                                                 ments in the telecom  market: "We have
                                                                                 successfully completed more than 92% of
                                                                                 the targets set forth in our national trans-
                                                                                 formation plan (NTP5), and have already
                                                                                 realized the gigabit vision. Bahrain has the
                                                                                 ambition to  be a  leading 10Giga  society,
                                                                                 with nation-wide deployment."

                                                                                 Mr. Latif Ladid, Founder & President of IPv6
                                                                                 Forum, said: "The global IPv6 deployment
                                                                                 rate has exceeded  2.5  Billion IPv6  users
                                                                                 with 50% penetration of the Internet world.
                                                                                 The next step is to develop IPv6 Enhanced
                                                                                 innovation. Toward 2030, Net5.5G concept
                                                                                 is proposed by the industry, including 10G
                                                                                 access  network,  400G/800G bearer net-
                                                                                 work, and 800G AI DCN, building end-to-end
           The  SAMENA ACCELERATOR helped underpin                               networks with ultimate experience, to facili-

           the  critical  role  of  fixed  networks,  which  are  at             tate 10Giga society digitalization."
           the  foundation  of ICT  and digital  transformation                  H.E.  Eng.  Mohamed Ben Amor, Director
           visions.  Regional  markets are, in fact, readying  for               General of AICTO, said: "AICTO established
                                                                                 the Arab IPv6 Council to promote IPv6 and
           10Giga technology, which is already here, along with                  IPv6  Enhanced, which are important  for
           advancements in computing and cloudification.                         the digitization of  the region. With  IPv6
                                                                                 converged transport network and AI data
                                                                                 center networks, Net5.5G will build a high-
        The  SAMENA ACCELERATOR helped       attention to the need to avoid a new type   speed and high-quality network infrastruc-
        underpin the critical role of fixed networks,   of digital divide, which could be caused by   ture for the cloud and AI era."
        which are at  the foundation  of  ICT and   varying network quality and experience.
        digital transformation  visions.  Regional   SAMENA ACCELERATOR also emphasized   Mr.  Lin Yanqing, Principal Consultant of
        markets  are, in  fact,  readying for  10Giga   on the need  for agile regulation,  and for   Public Affairs of Huawei, said: "10Giga will
        technology,  which is  already here, along   winning together  by  working together  as   be the basic requirement for home broad-
        with advancements  in computing  and   regional markets transform toward “10Giga   band due to glass-free 3D and other ultra-
        cloudification.  As  more  choices  become   Society”.                   high  definition  streaming  video,  but  for
        available, network and innovations in Fiber                              enterprise  cloud  and AI  requirement,  it's
        emerge,  better  network quality  would   Mr.  Mohammed Bin Ali, Acting  Director   still not enough. Wi-Fi 7, 10GPON/50GPON,
        require IPv6 – adoption of which is, currently,   Telecommunications  Directorate, MTT  of   and  400G/800G  bearer network  will  work
        unbalanced  in the region.  Speakers drew   Bahrain, shared the history of telecommuni-  with AI to ensure user experience. To bet-

                                                                                            17   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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