Page 18 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 18


        ter support sustainability development, the   During the SAMENA ACCELERATOR, a short   on  fixed  network  development  as  mobile
        ICT industry has played a key role, enabling   ceremony,  which  included  government   networks undergo evolution  beyond  5G.
        green transition of almost  all  the other   representatives  from  Saudi  Arabia  Leveraging  Net5.5G  in IP  bearer and
        industries. From  the end-to-end network   and Bahrain, as  well as  private-sector   data  center network  capabilities  for the
        perspective, full fiber is the answer."  representatives from broadband, Fiber, and   intelligent  world, 10Giga  networks  will
                                             IPv6 focused entities, marked the beginning   provide the necessary means to future-proof
        SAMENA Council observes that the region,   of SAMENA Council’s infrastructure focus   digitalization and  digital  transformation
        particularly, and neighboring regions, gen-  on 10Giga.                  in  the region. To  this  effect, this  10Giga
        erally, need to come at par with economies                               initiative by SAMENA Council  will further
        with more experience in digital transforma-  The SAMENA Accelerator  on 10Giga   pave the way toward building sustainable
        tion. To do that, drastic steps are needed to   infrastructure development,  building on a   digital economies in the region.
        further broadband development  and IPv6   past edition of the  summit on improving
        transformation, of  which moving toward   fiberization  and  IPv6  transition  policies
        “10 Gigabit” would be a leap forward.  in the region,  aimed to accelerate focus

                                                                                            18   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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