Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 77


        Mira Aerospace Delivers World’s First 5G Connectivity from Stratosphere

        Abu Dhabi-based Mira Aerospace said its ApusDuo solar aircraft   nications payload enabled a 5G Zoom video call, the first in the
        has successfully conducted a 5G connectivity test, marking the   world. The test system was composed of a service link from the
        world’s first successful delivery of 5G connectivity from a fixed-  communications payload installed on ApusDuo in the stratosphere
        wing HAPS (high altitude pseudo satellite) autonomous aircraft in   and a feeder link from a terrestrial 5G base station. Since the radio
        the stratosphere. The demonstration was conducted in Rwandan   waves transmitted and received operated on the same frequencies
        airspace in collaboration with its partners – Bayanat, a provider of   as existing smartphones and devices, a regular 5G smartphone
        world-class AI-powered geospatial solutions, and Uavos, an expert   was used in the test.
        in developing unmanned solutions. The 5G connectivity demon-
        stration follows a previous stratospheric flight test conducted in
        Rwanda in June 2023, during which Mira Aerospace’s ApusDuo
        carried a dummy version of the payload. The stratosphere-ready
        communications payload continuously delivered 5G connectivity
        for approximately 73 minutes in the stratosphere during ApusDuo’s
        stratospheric flight, during which it reached a maximum altitude
        of 16.9 km. During the test, the stratosphere-ready 5G commu-

        Kazakhstan to Permit Starlink for General Users Next Year

        Bagdat  Musin, head  of Kazakhstan’s  Ministry  of Digital   speed satellite broadband service in the country, reports
        Development, Innovation & Aerospace Industry (MDAI), has said at   Currently, Kazakh individuals are known to be illegally connecting
        a government briefing that legislation will be amended sometime   user terminals to the Starlink service, with MDAI spokesperson
        in 2024  to permit the general  usage of SpaceX’s  Starlink high   Dias  Tolegenov  quoted  as  saying that  authorities are pursuing
                                                               users and sellers of such terminals to issue warnings and impose
                                                               fines, whilst the MDAI is conducting negotiations with SpaceX to
                                                               prevent  the activation of Starlink  terminals in Kazakhstan  until
                                                               appropriate changes  can be made to the legislation. However,
                                                               Minister Musin was vague on the timeframe for achieving legal
                                                               permission, saying: ‘I can’t say in the first half of the year or in the
                                                               second, because everything depends on the Mazhilis [lower house
                                                               of parliament]. That is, first from our development of the model,
                                                               then we will come to the Mazhilis and continue to discuss. If the
                                                               Mazhilis supports it, it will be accepted. By the end of next year we
                                                               will definitely resolve the issue.’ The Kazakh government recently
                                                               launched a pilot project for connecting schools with Starlink, with
                                                               ten rural schools so far connected and 2,000 set to be linked up to
                                                               the Low Earth Orbit (LEO)-based service within six months.

        Starlink Satellite Internet Has Become Available in Georgia

        SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet has launched in Georgia, SpaceX
        founder  Elon Musk wrote  on his page  on  the  social network X
        (formerly Twitter), APA reports. Starlink Georgia was registered at
        the end of June 2022. In mid-July, the Georgian Communications
        Commission granted the company authorization to begin operating
        in  the republic.  Starlink  is  a  global satellite  communications
        system project. It was developed by SpaceX, and founded by Musk
        in 2002. The Starlink system is designed to provide Internet access
        to users around the world by deploying a large number of small
        devices weighing up to 500 kg in low-Earth orbit.

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