Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        Positive Q3 at Du

        United  Arab  Emirates  (UAE)  fixed  and
        mobile operator Du has reported net profit
        of AED502.4  million (USD137 million)
        for the  three  months  to 30 September
        2023, up 57.7% year-on-year driven  by
        rising service revenue  and an increase
        in new subscriptions. Revenues  were up
        3.7%  at  AED3.29  billion,  boosted by  5.7%
        growth  for mobile  services.  EBITDA  rose
        by 13.8% to AED1.48 billion and operating
        cash flow increased by 65.1% to AED956
        million. The mobile subscription base was
        up 9.4% y-o-y at 8.1 million, boosted by a   additions. Fixed broadband subscriptions   reached  573,000  at  end-September,  up
        ninth consecutive quarter of post-paid net   continued  their double-digit  growth and   12.4% annually.

        IT  Minister Underscores  SIFC  Initiatives  to Revolutionize IT,  Telecom in

        The  Minister for Information  Technology
        and Telecommunications  Dr.  Umar Saif
        highlighted  the recent  policy changes  by
        the Special Investment Facilitation Council
        (SIFC) in Pakistan, aimed at  supporting
        the IT and telecom sectors. Speaking to a
        high-level delegation led by his Malaysian
        counterpart Fahmi Fadzi in Dubai at the
        GITEX-23  sidelines  meeting,  Dr.  Saif  said
        that the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has
        authorized a  50% retention  of  IT  export
        remittances  in foreign  currency (FCY)
        accounts. Policies have been implemented
        to ensure smooth and hassle-free cash
        flows for  IT exporters through online
        banking  and corporate  debit cards,
        he added. These developments also    and policies regarding the rollout of 5G   underscoring  the importance  of adopting
        encompass  various initiatives aimed at   technology.  “Malaysia  has  rolled out 5G   best practices  from the Malaysian
        simplifying Right of Way  (ROW) charges,   at a lightning pace using a very innovative   Regulator.  Both Ministers engaged  in a
        boosting infrastructure sharing, advancing   Spectrum Sharing policy. We will work with   dialogue  regarding  Pakistan’s path to
        the 5G spectrum, and enhancing IT export   our Malaysian counterparts to learn about   adopting 5G technology and the challenges
        retention. Dr. Saif said the federal cabinet   their innovative approach and policies” the   impeding  this transition. The Malaysian
        granted approval for an advisory Committee   minister said. The meeting encompassed   Minister pledged to share best practices to
        for Pakistan’s  5G  Spectrum  auction a   crucial technology topics with the objective   facilitate this transition. The meeting also
        major  step toward digital Pakistan.  In   of strengthening collaboration between the   featured a discussion on the International
        a  related context,  the Minister Expand   two  nations. During the meeting, Dr.  Saif   Telecommunication  Union (ITU) and
        North  Star,  an  international showcase   explored the realm of financial technology   its  potential  benefits  for  both  Pakistan
        of innovation and cultural exchange.   (Fintech)  and touched  upon  Starlink, the   and Malaysia  in the technology  sector.
        The Pakistan  Pavilion was  thoughtfully   satellite internet company, making inroads   The  meeting  involved  a commitment to
        designed  to encapsulate  the  country’s   into Malaysia.  The discussion  extended   enhance  coordination and discussions
        progress and potential, welcoming visitors   to  the potential implementation  of LYNC,   in the  forthcoming months,  signifying
        with  open arms.  Moreover,  the minister   with a commitment to sharing experiences   the growing partnership between the two
        expressed  Pakistan’s intention to learn   and knowledge. Dr. Saif drew attention to   countries.
        from Malaysia’s  innovative approach   Pakistan’s  network  coverage challenges,

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