Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 104


        Germany Successfully Trials 5G Broadcast

        The  participants  of  German  research   offers  advantages  like  high  video  quality,   antenna  polarizations  were  investigated,
        project 5G Today, in which linear TV was   low latency and cost-effective distribution   especially  for  reception  on  smartphones.
        transmitted in 5G broadcast mode for the   with  high  coverage,  according  to  the  5G   Due  to  the  new  status  of  the  utilized
        first time, have drawn a positive conclusion.   Today  partners.  The  project,  funded  by   LTE/5G broadcast mode FeMBMS, detailed
        “We were able to achieve good mobile TV   the Bavarian Research Foundation, has   research on the synchronization behavior
        reception in large parts of the measurement   been running since 2017; it is scheduled to   and the  resulting  supply quality  is  still
        area.  These  findings  form  an  important   end on October 31, 2019. The participants   necessary, according to the partners. They
        basis for further standardization work on   IRT,  Kathrein,  Rohde  &  Schwarz  and   have therefore agreed to continue the work
        5G broadcasting,” said Aneta Baier, project   associated  partners  Bayerischer  started with 5G Today and to operate the
        manager at German broadcast technology   Rundfunk  and  Telefónica  Deutschland   test  field  beyond  the  planned  duration  of
        research institute IRT. The aim of the field   jointly  investigated  the  possibilities  of  a   the project. Nevertheless, the participants
        trials, carried out on two transmitter sites   5G-based broadcast solution. The project   conclude  that  the  field  measurements  of
        in  federal  state  Bavaria,  was  to  examine   covered  the  development  of  components   5G  Today  have  shown  that  FeMBMS  can
        the efficient distribution of TV channels for   for transmission and reception technology,   achieve  the  characteristics  of  a  classic
        reception on future mobile 5G devices such   preliminary examinations, simulations and   broadcast transmission system.
        as smartphones and tablets. 5G Broadcast   field  measurements.  In  addition,  various

        BTRC Aiming to Cover the Whole Country with 5G by 2026

                                                                                 The   Bangladesh   Telecommunication
                                                                                 Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is aiming
                                                                                 to  have all  district headquarters  in
                                                                                 Bangladesh covered with 5G technology by
                                                                                 2021, The Daily Star writes. Md. Shahidul
                                                                                 Alam,  director  general  for  spectrum
                                                                                 management  at  the  BTRC,  said:  ‘The
                                                                                 service will be available by the last quarter
                                                                                 of next year or the first quarter of 2021.’ A
                                                                                 committee  formed  by  the  commission  is
                                                                                 working  to  formulate  the  guidelines  and
                                                                                 fix the price for the spectrum in the 2.6GHz
                                                                                 and  3.5GHz  bands  in  consultation  with
                                                                                 the government by Q1 2020, and allocate
                                                                                 licenses to mobile operators by Q4 2020.
                                                                                 The entire country  (up  to  upazila  level,
                                                                                 including  growth  centers  and  railway
                                                                                 stations) will be covered with 5G by 2026
                                                                                 as per the regulator’s plans.

        French Government to Reallocate EUR140m to Support FTTP Rollout

        The French government  has  announced   recycled to finance more lines’, adding the   an additional four million premises being
        that  EUR140  million  (USD156  million)  of   government  will  ‘make  funding  available   added  each  year,  Ms.  Pannier-Runacher
        cost  savings  from  the  country’s  national   for 25 departments that still do not have   noted that three million people in difficult
        superfast  broadband  strategy  –  dubbed   widespread   fiber-to-the-home’.   The   to access areas are yet to benefit from the
        ‘France  Tres  Haut  Debit  (THD)’  –  will  be   EUR3.3  billion  program,  which  aims  to   program.  However,  she  believes  further
        reallocated  to  support  the  next  phase  of   provide  30  million  homes  with  access  to   cost savings will mean there is no need to
        the  fiber-to-the-premises  (FTTP)  rollout,   ultra-high  speed  broadband  services  by   extend the program’s original budget. It is
        reports  Les  Echos.  Secretary  of  State   2022,  is  reported  to  be  on  schedule  and   thought  an  additional  EUR400  million  to
        Agnes  Pannier-Runacher  confirmed  that   under  budget.  Despite  the  network  now   EUR500 million will be required to complete
        any  savings  made  will  be  ‘immediately   passing  around  16  million  homes,  with   the project.
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