Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 107


        Four Ukrainian Cellcos, PM Sign Memorandum on Total Coverage

                                                                                 Ukrainian  GSM/3G/LTE  mobile  network
                                                                                 operators Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and
                                                                                 Lifecell,  alongside  3G  CDMA  operator
                                                                                 Intertelecom, have signed a memorandum
                                                                                 with Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk on
                                                                                 covering the entire territory of Ukraine with
                                                                                 high-quality, high speed  communications
                                                                                 networks,   Interfax   reported.   Mr.
                                                                                 Honcharuk  declared:  ‘I  believe  that  the
                                                                                 total  digitalization  of  the  country  will
                                                                                 begin with this document. Every corner of
                                                                                 our country should have affordable, high-
                                                                                 quality internet and communications. And
                                                                                 we, in the government, with the president
                                                                                 and  with  our  partner  companies  will  do
                                                                                 everything  necessary  for  this.’  The  new
                                                                                 government formed following July’s snap
                                                                                 election has promised to implement ‘total
                                                                                 digitalization’ of the country under a wider
                                                                                 goal  of  achieving  40%  GDP  growth  over
                                                                                 five years.

        Polish Telcos to Form 5G Joint Venture with Government

        Three  of  Poland’s  major  operators  have   Polkomtel  to  set  up  a  company  to  build   availability  of  services  5G  in  selected
        agreed  to  develop  5G  networks  with  two   national 5G infrastructure. The move comes   bands, technology security and low service
        state-owned companies to speed up roll-  after  Exatel  called  for  Poland  to  form  a   prices  thanks  to  synergies  of  common
        out,  according  to  a  report  from  Reuters.   consortium of private and state companies   infrastructure,” PFR CEO Pawel Borys said
        Poland’s  state  development  fund  PFR   to  develop  5G  network  infrastructure  in   on Twitter. Play Communications, Poland’s
        and  state-owned  operator  Exatel  signed   the 700MHz band in a bid to lower costs   biggest operator by subscribers, didn’t sign
        a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  with   and  improve  security.  “The  goal  of  the   up due to pending corporate approvals, a
        Orange  Polska,  T-Mobile  Polska  and   joint  venture  is  to  ensure  nationwide   spokesperson told Reuters.

        Polish Government, Operators Unite on 5G

        Three of Poland’s major operators signed   a  representative told Reuters  it  needs   guidelines   for   companies   supplying
        an  agreement  to  develop  future  5G   corporate approval for such a move. Exatel   gear  used  to  build  networks.  This
        networks with two state-owned companies   had  advocated  for  the  union  of  private   immediately drew assumptions the move
        in  a  bid  to  accelerate  deployment  of   and  state-owned  companies  to  develop   was  part  of  a  US  campaign  to  persuade
        the  technology,  Reuters  reported.  The   and  launch  5G  networks  in  the  700MHz   other  governments  to  follow  its  lead  by
        memorandum  of  understanding  was   band, to accelerate delivery of key benefits   banning the use of Huawei gear, following
        inked  with  Poland’s  state  development   including low-latency and faster download   allegations  the vendor  is a national
        fund  PFR  and  state-owned  operator   speeds.  PFR  CEO  Pawel  Borys  said  on   security  threat.  Huawei  has  long  denied
        Exatel,  with  the  goal  of  establishing   Twitter: “The goal of the joint venture is to   such  claims.  In  July,  the  vendor  outlined
        a  company  to  build  the  country’s  5G   ensure nationwide availability of services   its commitment to the Polish market with
        infrastructure.  Although  Orange  Poland,   5G in selected bands, technology security   plans to spend almost PLN3 billion ($778.5
        T-Mobile  Poland,  and  Polkomtel  signed   and low service prices thanks to synergies   million)  in  the  country  over  the  next  five
        up,  Play  Communications,  which  GSMA   of common infrastructure.” In September,   years.
        Intelligence  data  shows  is  the  country’s   the  US  and  Poland  agreed  to  strengthen
        biggest  operator  by  subscribers,  did  not:   collaboration  on  5G  security,  outlining

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