Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Microsoft Announces New Capabilities for a Seamless, Smart and Secure

        IoT world

        Microsoft    Corp.    announced new
        capabilities  that  further  simplify  the
        customer  journey  and  deliver  highly
        secured  IoT  solutions.  These  solutions
        help  customers  embrace  IoT  as  a  core
        strategy to drive better business outcomes,
        improve safety and address social issues
        by  predicting  and  preventing  equipment
        failures,  optimizing  smart  buildings  for
        space utilization and energy management,
        improving  patient  outcomes  and  worker
        safety,  tracking  assets  across  a  supply
        chain,  and  more.  The  proliferation  of  IoT
        devices  is  enabling  companies  to  bring
        cloud  intelligence  to the edge, to create
        solutions that are adaptive and responsive
        to  their  environments.  According  to
        IDC,1  41.6  billion  devices  —  including
        smartphones, smart home assistants and
        smart  appliances  —  will  be  connected
        to  the  internet  by  2025.  Even  sooner,  by   extensibility needed to develop enterprise-  control to data, actions and configurations
        2021, 94% of businesses surveyed will be   grade  IoT  solutions.  New  features  to  IoT   in the system. New pricing model for early
        using IoT, according to a recent Microsoft   Central  simplify  challenges  of  building   2020,  designed  to  help  customers  and
        IoT Signals research report and, in nearly   and  deploying  scalable  and  affordable   partners have predictable pricing as usage
        every  case  (97%),  those  companies   enterprise applications:         scales.
        are  concerned  about  potential  security   11  new  industry-focused  application   Making IoT smarter
        risks. “At Microsoft, we are committed to   templates  to  accelerate  solution  builders   Azure IoT Hub helps enterprise developers
        building  a  trusted,  easy-to-use  platform   across retail, healthcare, government and   reduce  costs and optimize operations
        that  allows  our  customers  and  partners   energy.                    through  IoT  cloud  applications.  New
        to build seamless, smart, secure solutions   API  support  for  extending  IoT  Central   capabilities  with  IoT  Hub  message
        regardless  of  where  they  are  in  the  IoT   or  integrating  it  with  other  solutions,   enrichment  add  the  ability  to  stamp
        journey,”  said  Sam  George,  CVP  of  Azure   including API support for device modelling,   messages  coming  from  devices  with
        IoT  at  Microsoft.  “That’s  why  we  are   provisioning,   lifecycle   management,   rich  information  before  they  are  sent
        investing $5B in IoT and intelligent edge —   operations and data querying.  to  downstream  cloud  services,  making
        technology that is accelerating ubiquitous   IoT Edge  support, including  management   integration  easy.  IoT  Hub  integrates
        computing  and  bringing  unparalleled   for  edge  devices  and  IoT  Edge  module   with  Azure  Event  Grid,  making  it  easy  to
        opportunity across industries.”      deployments,  which  enable  customers   consume IoT Hub device messages from
        Delivering new IoT innovations from cloud   to  deploy  cloud  workloads,  including  AI,   an  even  broader  variety  of  downstream
        to edge                              directly to connected devices.      services.  Azure  Maps  customers  can
        Our core focus is addressing the challenge   IoT Plug and Play support, for rapid device   add  geospatial  weather  intelligence  into
        of  securing  connected  devices  at  every   development and connectivity.  their applications to enable scenarios like
        layer  while  advancing  IoT  to  create  a   The ability to Save & Load applications to   weather-based  routing,  weather-based
        seamless experience between the physical   enable application reusability.  targeted  marketing  and  weather-based
        and  digital  worlds.  In  the  past  year, we   More  Data  Export  options  for  continually   operations  optimization, in partnership
        launched more than 100 new services and   exporting  data  to  other  Azure  PaaS   with  AccuWeather.  Azure  Maps  will  now
        features  that  make  IoT  solutions  more   services, such as storage for rich analytics.   be available on Gov Cloud, simplifying the
        secure  and  scalable,  reduce  complexity,   Multitenancy  support  for  building  and   onboarding process for customers.
        and  create  opportunities  in  new  market   managing a single application with multiple   Azure Time Series Insights is announcing
        areas.                               tenants, each with their own isolated data,   new preview capabilities including:
        Making IoT seamless                  devices,  users  and  roles.  And  updates  to   Multilayered  storage  provides the  best
        IoT  Central  is  a  fully  managed  IoT   that  single  application  are  visible  to  all   of both  worlds:  Lightning  fast  access  to
        app  platform  that  provides  solution   tenants for easy manageability.  frequently  used  data  (“warm  data”)  and
        builders  with  built-in  security,  scale  and   Custom user roles for fine-grained access   fast access to infrequently used historical

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