Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                                             Nokia Enhances Fixed Wireless Access Portfolio
                                             with More Options for 4G and 5G Deployments

        Nokia introduced several new additions to   operators,  5G  FWA  represents  another   WiFi  solution  ensures a  seamless ultra-
        its Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) portfolio   tool in the toolkit to deliver massive scale   broadband  experience  is  achieved  in
        that  bring  greater  flexibility  to  FWA   access  with  a  seamless  mix  of  fiber,   every  corner  of  the  home.  New  FastMile
        deployments.  Nokia’s  new  FastMile  5G   copper, coax, and 5G RAN technologies to   4G Gateway – New FastMile 4G gateways
        Gateway  supports  additional  5G  bands   overcome  deployment  obstacles,  reduce   delivers up to 4dBi of gain and compatibility
        to increase regional coverage,  introduces   costs and accelerate time to market. The   with  Nokia’s  in-home  WiFi  solution.  For
        new features that simplify self-install and   new  additions  to  Nokia’s  Fixed  Wireless   areas  where  signal  strengths  are  weak,
        integrates Wi-Fi 6 to ensure 5G speeds and   Access (FWA) portfolio include:  new FastMile Multiband receivers feature
        low latency are carried to every corner of   New FastMile 5G Gateway - The enhanced   up to 11dBi of gain. Installation of Nokia
        the home. For those operators looking to   Gateway adds 5G New Radio (NR) bands   outdoor  receivers  is  facilitated  with  the
        maximize  their  4G  investments,  Nokia’s   to support deployments around the globe.   Nokia Wireless application, which provides
        new  FastMile  4G  gateways  and  receivers   It contains a high-gain antenna (11 dBi) to   step-by-step instructions for installing the
        deliver  many  of  the  same  innovative   give consumers a stronger signal and more   device and activating the service. Nokia is
        features.  With  Gigabit  speeds  becoming   bandwidth.  For  operators  this  ensures   trialing its FastMile 5G solution with more
        a new benchmark for consumers, 5G FWA   that  higher  speeds  can  be  delivered  to   than 30 service providers and is starting to
        provides  mobile  operators  with  a  unique   more  subscribers  over  their  Radio  Acces   deploy the solution around the globe with
        opportunity  to  capture  new  revenue   Network.  Plug-and-play  features  allow   operators  such  as  Optus.  Jeff  Heynen,
        while  improving  their  5G  business  case   subscribers to install at their convenience,   Sr.  Research  Director,  Dell’Oro  Group,
        with  bundled  services.  For  converged   and  compatibility  with  Nokia’s  in-home   said:  “Fixed  wireless  access  continues
                                                                                 to grow globally as both mobile and fixed
                                                                                 broadband  providers  seek  to  expand
                                                                                 the  reach  of  their  broadband  services.
                                                                                 Spectrum band flexibility and higher-gain
                                                                                 receivers  will  be  critical  components  for
                                                                                 operators to deploy fixed wireless access
                                                                                 services  across  large  portions  of  their
                                                                                 subscriber base.” Sandra Motley, President
                                                                                 of Fixed Networks at Nokia, said: “5G fixed
                                                                                 wireless  access  is  a  critical  technology
                                                                                 complementing  our  existing  fiber,  copper
                                                                                 and coax access solutions. With our new
                                                                                 5G FastMile gateway, any operator owning
                                                                                 spectrum  can  deliver  true  fixed-grade
                                                                                 gigabit services to homes and businesses.”

        Nokia and Orange Polska Pilot 5G in Lublin

        Orange has launched a 5G pilot in the city   have  been  working  on  building  Polish   Lublin,  commented,  “Lublin  is  a  friendly
        of  Lublin,  Poland,  as  part  of  its  ongoing   5G  for  over  a  year  now  to  choose  the   place  for  new  technologies.  The  city  has
        network  trials  in  the  country.  The  trial   optimal solution for our customers and the   a thriving IT sector  focused  in the Lublin
        uses 80MHz on the 3.4-3.6GHz frequency   development of the mobile network. Tests   IT  Highland  ecosystem.  We  are  also  an
        band  to  support  data  transfer  speeds   with  various  suppliers  give  us  priceless   important academic center. We have been
        of  up  to  800Mbps.  Orange  will  use  5G   experience.  “They  also  confirm  that  we   implementing solutions for years to make
        smartphones in the trial, alongside Nokia’s   are technologically  ready to launch  this   Lublin smart, and thus more attractive to
        5G radio access technology and FastMile   next-generation  network  and  show  what   investors. “We want to meet the needs and
        5G  Gateways  for  Fixed  Wireless  Access.   opportunities it will give to Poles and the   ambitions of our citizens. In this way, we
        Last  month,  Orange  launched  its  first   Polish  economy  in  the  future.  I  am  glad   are  building  modern  Lublin  step  by  step,
        5G  pilot  in  Poland  in  Warsaw,  using  kit   that  the  trials  take  place  in  Lublin,  a  city   and  5G  tests  carried  out  by  Orange  and
        from  Ericsson.  Jean-François  Fallacher,   focused  on  development  with  modern   Nokia  confirm  our  potential  as  a  smart
        President  of  Orange  Polska,  said,  “We   technologies.”  Krzysztof  Żuk,  Mayor  of   city.”

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