Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has published a Draft Information Memorandum for
has slated the country’s 5G spectrum auctions its upcoming auction of spectrum in the 3.5GHz band,
for 13th December. The auctions form part of the as part of its 5G Technology Deployment Plan and in
regulator’s Technology Deployment Plan, as well as line with the Nigerian National Broadband Plan (NNBP)
Niger the Nigerian National Broadband Plan (NNBP) 2020- 2020-2025. Interested stakeholders are invited to make
2025. Interested parties must apply to bid before 27th written submissions on the subject by 27 October and
October and subsequently participate in a Stakeholders’ participate in a Stakeholders’ Engagement Program
Engagement Program on 3rd November. TeleGeography to be held on 3 November, with the spectrum auction
reports that two lots of 100MHz TDD spectrum will be currently scheduled to take place on 13 December. The
made available. The blocks will be in the 3.5GHz band regulator plans to auction off two lots of 100MHz TDD
from 3500MHz-3600MHz and 3700MHz-3800MHz, spectrum in the 3.5GHz band, ranging from 3500MHz-
and each will have a reserve price of US$197.4 million. 3600MHz and 3700MHz-3800MHz. Each lot has a
The nationwide permits will have a validity period of reserve price of USD197.4 million, with the nationwide
10 years. Bidders in the auction will not need to hold spectrum licenses valid for ten years. To qualify to
an operating license; if their bid is successful and they bid in the auction, applicants will not have to be an
do not already hold a Unified Access Service License existing licensed network operator in Nigeria, although
(UASL) they will automatically be granted one, albeit any successful bidder which does not already have a
for a fee. The terms of the licenses require winners to Unified Access Service License (UASL) will be granted
launch a commercial offering within 12 months of the one upon payment of the specified fee. Winning bidders
license’s start date, and to connect at least one state will be required to launch commercial services within
in each of Nigeria’s six main administrative regions twelve months of the effective date of the license, and
within two years. (October 16, 2021) coverage should reach at least one state in each of the
country’s six geo-political zones within two years.
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) (October 8, 2021)
Norway’s National Communications Authority Nasjonal band (NOK289 million) and 100MHz in the 3.6GHz
kommunikasjonsmyndighet, Nkom) has announced band, though with it also accepting the voluntary
the conclusion of its 5G spectrum auction that got coverage commitment, this reduced its final fee to
underway at the start of this week, confirming that four NOK910 million. Rounding out the trio seeking a
Norway companies have walked away with new frequencies. reduced payment in return for the coverage obligation,
Altibox bid NOK53 million for a 50MHz block of TDD
With the sale process raising a total of NOK3.89 billion
(USD444 million), all three of the nation’s mobile spectrum in the 2.6GHz band, and a further NOK781
network operators (MNOs) – Telenor Norge, Telia Norge million for 100MHz in the 3.6GHz band; after receiving
and ice – laid claim to spectrum, with fibre-based fixed its discount it will pay a total of NOK724 million. ice
broadband provider Altibox rounding out the winning was the only provider not to take up the coverage
bidders. Telenor emerged as the biggest spender, commitment, agreeing to pay NOK554 million for an
offering NOK1.42 million for 2×40MHz in the 2.6GHz 80MHz block in the 3.6GHz band. According to the
band (NOK416 million) and 120MHz in the 3.6GHz Nkom, all winning bidders have a number of options for
band (NOK1.00 billion). It will, however, only have to paying for their new 20-year concessions, including the
pay NOK1.22 million for its frequencies after accepting choice of making payments for their new frequencies
a voluntary commitment to provide downlink speeds of on an interest-free basis over a five-year period, or
100Mbps in underserved/unserved rural areas, which paying over a longer 20-year period, though doing so
discounted the final price. For its part, Telia Norge bid with a 6% interest charge applying.
a total of NOK1.07 billion for 2×30MHz in the 2.6GHz (October 1, 2021)
The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) number portability to be used in the landline market’.
is reportedly mulling the introduction of fixed number The NTC introduced mobile number portability (MNP)
portability (FNP) in the Philippines, according to its on 30 September allowing users to keep their number
deputy commissioner Edgardo Cabarios. ‘Congress when switching service provider, and a similar scheme
Philippines opted to limit the number portability to mobile [services]. could be put in place for fixed telephony users. Whilst
take-up to date has been somewhat underwhelming
There are only around I guess, four million fixed line
subscribers compared to 150 million subscribers of – Melanie Manuel, the head of Telecommunications
mobile market,’ Cabarios said, adding: ‘But we are Connectivity Inc., the joint venture company of the
considering, trying to see whether there is a need for three telcos charged with the task of handling MNP,
101 OCTOBER 2021