Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 97


                         The  Ministry of Transport and Communications   5Mbps. As noted in TeleGeography’s GlobalComms
                         (Liikenne-ja viestintaministerio,  MoTC) has  issued a   Database, all consumers and businesses were initially
                         decree under which the minimum level of speed that   entitled  by  law  to a  broadband  subscription  offering
                         must be  provided  by universal broadband  service   download speeds of at least 1Mbps from 1 July 2010.
        Finland          providers will  increase to  up to  5Mbps.  In  a  press   Plans for an increase to the minimum  mandated
                         release, the MoTC confirmed that the decree will enter
                                                                        downlink rate was  then announced  when the MoTC
                         into force on 25 October 2021, while it specified that   in April 2015 confirmed it would require operators to
                         as per the ruling minimum downlink speeds must be   provide a higher minimum rate of 2Mbps; it was not,
                         at least 3.5Mbps, while ‘normal’ speeds – defined as   however, until May 2016 that designations of universal
                         ‘the speed that is maintained in 90% of cases during   service providers  for 2Mbps broadband  connections
                         each  four-hour  measurement  period’  – must be at   were made.
                         least 4.5Mbps, with maximum speeds required being   (October 22, 2021)

                         The Federal Network Agency (FNA) has published its   migration plans.  The FNA will  not give Telekom any
                         draft decision for the framework conditions  under   guidelines as to whether and when it has to switch off
                         which telecoms operator can gain access to the ‘last   parts of its copper network, as the regulation focuses on   Draft
                         mile’ network of Telekom Deutschland in the next few   making the transition transparent for users, consumers
        Germany          years. The draft regulation proposes that the FNA will   and other providers with sufficiently long lead times.
                                                                        The FNA  has announced  its  regulatory  proposals in
                         not regulate Telekom’s new fiber-optic networks with
                         the same intensity as  its copper  networks and will   anticipation of the Telecommunications Modernization
                         stop ex-ante regulation of access to the last mile of   Act, which will come into force on 1 December 2021.
                         the new gigabit infrastructure. The non-discriminatory   Interested parties have until 15 November to comment
                         access to the fiber-optic networks of the Telekom is to   in writing on the draft decision.  ‘The FNA is  setting
                         be secured by an equal treatment obligation according   the  course  for  accelerated  fiber-optic  expansion  in
                         to the Equivalence of Input principle (EoI), under which   Germany.  Unlike the copper  network,  access  to the
                         other  companies can obtain access  under  the  same   fiber-optic network of Telekom is not regulated ex ante,’
                         system and process  conditions  as those  available   commented  the FNA’s  President, Jochen  Homann,
                         to Telekom  itself. The  fees  paid by other  operators   adding: ‘This is a big step and the signal for Telekom to
                         to Telekom for the use of its fiber-optic networks are   rapidly expand its fiber-optic network. In return, it must
                         to  be checked in  the event of anomalies. In  order to   allow competitors to use its fiber-optic network under
                         promote  the  expansion  of  fiber-optics,  the  planned   the same conditions as its own sales department. The
                         regulatory framework also provides for expanded duct   FNA reserves the right to intervene only in the event
                         access to accelerate the expansion of the network and   of anti-competitive abuse. The FNA expects Telekom
                         save unnecessary civil engineering costs. The fees for   and its competitors to use the new market regime to
                         empty conduit  access should,  as  before, be subject   significantly increase their investments in fiber-optics.
                         to  approval.  The regulation of  Telekom’s  copper   This reduction  in regulation  is a paradigm  shift that
                         networks is to be retained for the most part, although   shows that the FNA reacts flexibly and innovatively to
                         the operator will now be obliged to notify in good time   new market developments.’
                         any migration to fiber-optic networks associated with   (October 13, 2021)
                         the dismantling of copper infrastructure and to present

                         The  Office  of  the  Communications  Authority  (OFCA)   The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in
                         has completed its latest 5G spectrum auction, raising   Hong Kong said its auction of spectrum in the 600MHz,
                         a  total  of  HKD1.877  billion (USD241  million) over   700MHz, 850MHz, 2.5GHz/2.6GHz and 4.9GHz bands
                         32  rounds  of bidding.  255MHz  of frequencies  in the   saw bids totaling HKD1.37 billion (USD176 million) at
        Hong Kong        700MHz, 850MHz, 2.5GHz and 4.9GHz bands was sold   the  end  of  its  first  day.  Nine  rounds  of  bidding  were
                         to the four incumbent cellcos under 15-year licenses.
                                                                        completed,  with the auction  continuing.  The  sale is
                         Hutchison  3  acquired concessions  at  700MHz  and   being contested by the four incumbent cellcos: Hong
                         2.5GHz,  SmarTone bought  700MHz,  850MHz  and   Kong Telecommunications (HKT), Hutchison 3, China
                         4.9GHz  spectrum,  HKT  secured frequencies  in  the   Mobile HK (CMHK) and SmarTone.
                         700MHz and 2.5GHz bands, while China Mobile Hong   (October 26, 2021)
                         Kong  (CMHK)  won licenses  at 700MHz,  2.5GHz  and
                         4.9GHz. (October 28, 2021)

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