Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 81


        Investing in Fixed Network Infrastructure to Boost Regional Digital Economy

                                                                                 of virtual-reality content through fast and
                                                                                 stable  transport  networks,"  he  added.  He
                                                                                 stressed that  broadband networks  are
                                                                                 a  necessary  investment. By  promoting
                                                                                 the   construction   of   fixed   network
                                                                                 infrastructure and providing  effective
                                                                                 digital services, ensure that everyone "can
                                                                                 afford broadband connectivity and quality-
                                                                                 However, due  to the digital divide,  this
                                                                                 goal is still far from being achieved. Bocar
                                                                                 believes that the digital divide means three
                                                                                 categories of divides:
                                                                                   1. Divide between developed nations and
                                                                                    developing nations.
                                                                                   2. Divide between  affluent communities
                                                                                    within  a  country  versus  poor
                                                                                   3. Divide between population segments.
                                                                                 To bridge  this digital divide,  a  reliable
        On October 19, 2021, the Ultra-Broadband   and new Internet protocols,  are key  to   ICT  infrastructure  that  can  support  "data
        Forum  (UBBF)  2021,  themed  "Extend   providing high-quality and enhanced   demands  of  both  people  and  machines"
        Connectivity,  Drive  Growth",  was  held   network connectivity. To meet the needs of   needs  to be built. As more and more
        in Dubai.  At the event,  Bocar A.  BA, CEO   billions of connections in the future, Bocar   people  and things go online,  continuous
        of the SAMENA Telecommunications     mentioned  that  an  intelligent  world  "built   investment  in communications  networks
        Council, delivered a keynote speech titled   on enhanced connectivity" is required. This   is  required to  ensure  fast  connections
        "Investing in Fixed Network Infrastructure   intelligent world requires "bigger pipes and   and data transmission  between people,
        to Promote  the Development  of Regional   the  right  protocol,  specifically,  the  right   between  people and things,  and between
        Digital  Economy."  He  shared  his  insights   Internet Protocol", to support "human-to-  things  and  things.  In  light  of  this,  fiber
        and suggestions on how to promote fixed   human, human-to-machine, and machine-  and  IPv6  must  be  used  in  fixed  network
        network infrastructure, provide effective   to-machine digital life". Such connectivity   infrastructure  construction.  In  Bocar's
        digital services to boost digital economy,   requires IP  addresses. Only  IPv6 can   view, fiber needs to be physically brought
        and build an ultra-broadband  network   solve  "the  IP  address  shortage  issue   closer  to end  users. In addition,  IPv6
        affordable  to everyone. Bocar believes   forever." Evolution to IPv6+ and enhancing   enhanced innovation (IPv6+) needs to be
        that the power of broadband needs to be   connectivity help "our society to thrive in   deployed on each end user device, IoT, or
        fully leveraged  to accelerate  economic   the digitally-driven future." Bocar also said   cloud service. In this way, not only massive
        recovery, create new opportunities, and   that an intelligent world starts with ultra-  address  space can be provided, but also
        promote  the  digital  economy,  and  "the   broadband. "By 'ultra' we don't just mean   the digital experience quality of all services
        Internet is the lifeblood of digital economy."   ultra-low  latency, ultra-high bandwidth   can be  improved. Bocar concluded  this
        He  also  emphasized that  advanced   and data transmission rates, and massive   speech by calling for faster deployment of
        ICT infrastructures, including  elastic   connections.  In fact, we are referring  to   fibers and transition to IPv6 and IPv6+ to
        networks, mobile  broadband  innovations,   the enablement of 5G transport, Internet   achieve the goal of extending connectivity
        fixed   broadband   innovations,   cloud   of Things, data  center  interconnects,   and driving growth.
        communications,  artificial  intelligence,   enterprise  cloud  applications,  rendition

        Czech Operators Offer Concessions on Network Sharing Deal

        Deutsche  Telekom and PPF  have submitted  proposals to EU   European Commission issued charges against them in July 2019.
        antitrust  authorities  outlining  potential changes  to  the network   IN 2016, the EC opened an investigation into whether the network
        sharing arrangement  between  their Czech  units T-Mobile CZ   sharing deal between the units would reduce competition in the
        and mobile operator O2  Czech Republic.  According to  Reuters,   market by removing the incentive for providers to “unilaterally
        the operators – together with infrastructure provider CETIN - are   invest in network infrastructure.” The Czech Republic has some
        looking  to  avoid  fines  for  violating  EU  antitrust  laws  after  the   of the highest wholesale data  charges in  Europe,  with  MVNOs

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