Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 77


        EE Begins Using 700MHz Spectrum for ‘Indoor 5G’

        British mobile  network operator (MNO)  EE, a subsidiary of BT,   switched  on ‘indoor  5G’ at  more than 50 sites across the UK.
        has announced the next phase of its 5G rollout, confirming it has   With a view to delivering ‘high-performance connectivity for its
                                                               customers’,  the cellco  noted  in  a  press release that  it  is  using
                                                               some of the 700MHz spectrum it secured at auction earlier this
                                                               year for these new sites. With the cellco claiming the development
                                                               will strengthen indoor 5G performance and capacity in areas with
                                                               existing 5G, while also delivering new connectivity in other areas,
                                                               EE’s Director of Mobile Networks, David Salam, said: ‘We’ve got
                                                               big ambitions for 5G connectivity  in the next decade,  and this
                                                               is the latest milestone in our journey to provide our customers
                                                               with  unrivalled connectivity.  This  next stage of our 5G  rollout
                                                               will enable our customers to enjoy even better 5G, keeping them
                                                               connected to the things that are most important to them.’ Looking
                                                               ahead, as part of its ongoing network investment EE has pledged
                                                               to extend its 5G network to reach half of the UK’s population by
                                                               2023, with nationwide coverage expected by 2028.

        Internet of Things Goes to Space With Small Satellite Sensors

        Satellite constellations for Internet of Things (IoT) deployments   within  range.  This  rate  of  connectivity  is  sufficient  for  those
        are growing. The latest plan to extend  IoT connectivity  beyond   with a fixed infrastructure, or for monitoring the movements of
        standard terrestrial systems involves a series of launches slated to   animals. However, for use cases such as fighting illegal fishing
        begin during the second quarter of 2023. Rocket Lab plans to launch   operations, IoT systems require more regular data capture. With
        25 Kinéis satellites in New Zealand between April and December.   25  nanosatellites  in  space, Tisserant says,  what  had originally
        The goal is for these small low-orbital satellites to provide real-  been one or two hours of waiting for a signal will be reduced to
        time geospatial intelligence and global monitoring services. Kinéis   only ten minutes.  To enable  IoT deployments,  the  company  is
        provides satellite-based IoT  connectivity.  The company was   building both the satellites and the units in sensor devices that
        created in 2019 by French space agency Centre National d'Etudes   communicate  with  those satellites.  These small  devices are
        Spatiales  (CNES)  and  IoT  technology  firm  Collecte  Localisation   designed to send relatively small packets of data, he notes, and
        Satellites (CLS), says Alexandre Tisserant, Kinéis's CEO. Among its   they require low-energy supplies at a low price. By offering both
        activities during the past two years, Kinéis has been operating the   the  satellites  and  the  sensor  units,  Tisserant  reports,  "We  are
        Argos System, a collaboration that includes CNES, the National   democratizing connectivity." Kinéis and Rocket Lab have agreed
        Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the European   on a fixed span of dates from April to December 2023 to launch
        Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological  Satellites   the satellites. Each one is about the size of a large shoebox, and
        (EUMETSAT) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).   they will all be launched from New Zealand. The company chose
        The satellites are  being  used to  collect  information about the   Rocket Lab, Tisserant says, because "They are the most reliable
        climate and the environment, as well as to monitor wildlife and   micosatellite launcher." The Kinéis sensor units send packets of
        fisheries. Kinéis aims to provide affordable IoT connectivity where   information for localization, but they can also transmit pressure,
        traditional technologies, such as cellular, LoRa and Wi-Fi, cannot   temperature  and  humidity data.  In  one application, devices
        reach. Currently, only 15 to 20 percent  of the world has such   transmit such sensor information from ocean buoys. The data is
        terrestrial  IoT  connectivity,  Tisserant says,  and that  opens  an   captured on Kinéis's server, which can provide a basic location,
        opportunity for satellites. In the past, satellite technologies have   such as a dot on a map, while the company partners with software
        been considerably more expensive than alternative solutions, he   providers to obtain more detailed information. The technology is
        explains,  but Kinéis is attempting  to bring  that cost down  with   more expensive than standard terrestrial IoT solutions by a factor
        its  low-orbital satellites and transmitting sensors. So far, its   of three, Tisserant says. However, the price is expected to drop
        technology is being used to track animals in remote areas, as well   as more sensors are deployed. The relatively large bandwidth in
        as fishing boats, and it could monitor containers at sea, smart   which transmissions are sent means the density of sensors can
        agriculture, and connectivity  and utilities in  remote areas.  At   be high, he explains. "So that capacity will be growing," Tisserant
        present, Kinéis has eight satellites in orbit. The units, which weigh   states, and the price is expected to drop with that growth. "We're
        30 kilograms (66 pounds), fly in low Earth orbit at a distance of   targeting  millions  of  devices"  that  will  connect  to  the  system.
        650 kilometers (404 miles). With these eight satellites circling the   Some of the earliest applications have centered around tracking
        planet, connectivity is typically available for 15 minutes, followed   wildlife, for instance. Kinéis makes a  unit that weighs  just 3.5
        by a wait period of a few hours before the next satellite comes   grams (0.1 ounce), which can be built into the collar of an animal

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