Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 80



        Digitizing With “Purpose”

                                                          Digital access is positively correlated with 65%  of
                                                          the SDGs across all development levels (developed
                                                          regions,  developing  regions,  Least  Developed
                                                          Countries) and geographies.

                                                       Proven direct linkages between “digital” and SDGs
                                                       Globally  economies  have  made  significant  progress  on  the  Sustainable
                                                       Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, even at the start of 2020, no country was
                                                       on track for achieving all SDGs and COVID-19 has been an unexpected set-
                                                       back with severe short-term negative impacts on most SDGs.

                                                       In the context  of COVID-19, digital infrastructure and technologies  when
                                                       deployed and leveraged strategically and used responsibly, are undeniably
                                                       powerful tools to further SDGs. Fundamentally, digital provides access to
                                                       information and services, improves productivity and enables cost and time
                                                       savings, and if the infrastructure and technologies can be used to provide
                                                       access equitably, they can drive societal progress and efficiency, ultimately
                                                       building more sustainable economies that are potentially more resilient to
                                                       even pandemics.

                                                       Digital  access is  positively  correlated with  65%   of the SDGs  across
                                                       all  development  levels  (developed  regions,  developing  regions,  Least
        Vidhitha Kanakamedala                          Developed Countries) and geographies. South Korea is well known as one
        Senior Manager                                 of the few countries that has successfully climbed the economic ladder by
                                                       embracing  technology. South  Korea scores especially  high  on  measures
        Arthur D. Little                               of technological adoption  and diffusion  – higher  even than the US.  Not
                                                       surprisingly, South Korea has relatively high performance across all SDGs.

                                                       South Korea today is a technologically intensive society, and that has almost
                                                       certainly made a difference in the context of the pandemic, particularly when
                                                       it has come to monitoring localized risks and containing the spread of the
                                                       virus. From the very beginning of COVID-19, the South Korean government
                                                       released the detailed trajectory of patients, which included patients’ recent
                                                       movements, places to stay, timelines of movements, and whether they were
                                                       wearing masks. They were able to do this by using location information from
                                                       mobile phones and cars, security camera footage, and credit card records.

                                                       Identifying the right digital use cases to adopt
                                                       To drive inclusive and sustainable prosperity, digital technologies  can be
                                                       leveraged across all industries, to enable myriad of use cases as highlighted
                                                       in Figure 1 below. By identifying and enabling high impact digital use cases
                                                       across industries most relevant for the nation, governments can maximize
                                                       the impact of digital on their SDGs.

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