Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                                                           Figure 1

        Middle East countries to varying degrees,   establish the country  as  a  world-leading   The  emergence of new technologies,
        have  embraced   digital  technologies  hub  in innovation-driven  food security.   such  as  artificial  intelligence,  robotics,
        as  consumers and have policies and   Initiatives such as these have enabled UAE   blockchain,  and  especially  their
        initiatives in place to achieve SDGs. Non-  to achieve a  10-place leap on the Global   convergence is expected to disrupt many
        exhaustive  examples of  selected digital   Food  Security Index,  moving from 31st   existing paradigms  and bring about a
        initiatives which support SDGs by industry   rank in 2018 to 21st rank in 2019.  radical change. For example,  automation
        are highlighted in Figure 1.                                             may  negatively impact the labor market.
                                             The  key hurdles that are preventing   Whilst new technologies  are expected  to
        The virtual school project in the southern   countries  in Middle East  from achieving   improve the employment structure such as
        border of the KSA is  a  notable  example,    SDGs are  shortcomings in  institutional   create jobs in computer and data science,
        this initiative involves virtual  digital   mechanisms that deliver SDGs, insufficient   considerable re-skilling of large parts of the
        classes launched  for schools to  ensure   clarity  on  benefits,  gaps  in  the  evidence   population is crucial to truly benefit from
        the continuation of education. Such digital   base, and lack of earmarked and adequate   this.  Technology  capability development
        education  initiatives along with digital   financing.   Digital   technologies   can   in  particular  is  a  major  challenge faced
        health and e-government  services are   help alleviate  these challenges  too as   in the Middle East  and new technologies
        widely seen across  the GCC countries.   nations can establish digital platforms to   may further exacerbate  inequalities and
        Smart technologies that drive efficiencies   collaborate between the entities better, and   generate negative externalities.
        in production  and consumption  such as   develop tools to closely track and monitor
        3D printing and Smart  grid projects in   the outcome  of various initiatives. While   New policies  and measures are critical
        UAE, precision  agriculture in  Qatar  and   it  cannot  directly  address  the  financing   to navigate and steer  this change  into
        renewable energy programs in KSA are all   gap,  digitalization  can help  optimize   a  direction  that  benefits  the  SDGs
        supporting SDGs.                     investments and  bridge  the funding gap   individually. This requires more awareness
                                             by  employing  innovative  digital  financing   and adaptability by governments  which
        Examples,  such  as  UAE’s  Agricultural   technologies  and encouraging private   adds    another  layer of  complexity  to
        Technology   Adaptation  Accelerator  sector participation.              the implementation  of the SDGs. The
        Program,  which  fosters  the  adoption  and                             importance of coordinated  whole-of-
        development  of sustainable  technologies   Digital  paradox exists  but  must  be   government  action with  cooperation
        to promote agriculture in marginal   managed effectively by the governments   among  countries  at  a regional  level, now
        environments  through  an  interactive   The impact of digital on the SDGs may not   acquires more heightened  importance
        platform, are much less rare. This reflects   be all  positive, there are downsides that   where even developed  regions feel the
        the efforts  of the UAE government  to   need  to acknowledged  and acted  upon.   need to act together.

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