Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 126


        Virgin Media Ireland and Vodafone Ireland Ink Wholesale Network Access


        Virgin  Media  Ireland  has  agreed  a
        wholesale network access deal with local
        mobile network operator Vodafone Ireland,
        under which the latter will be able to offer
        fixed broadband services over the former’s
        infrastructure. According  to  The  Irish
        Times  this  represents  the  first  wholesale
        deal  that  Virgin  Media  Ireland  has struck,
        and  in  speaking  with  the  local  press
        outlet  the  company’s  CEO,  Tony  Hanway,
        claimed  the  development  would  support
        more  competition  in  the  market,  while
        he  suggested  other deals  could follow.
        Commenting,  the  executive  said: ‘We  will
        continue to compete like mad at retail level
        [with Vodafone] but our wholesale division
        will  sell  capacity on our  network to third
        parties.  The  first  third  party  to  do  that  is   We  would  always  have  spare  capacity’.   upgraded more than  150,000 premises  to
        Vodafone. It’s a new departure for us and   Virgin  Media  Ireland  is  currently  one year   fiber-to-the-premises  (FTTP)  technology,
        the thinking is that we’re putting a massive   into a three-year upgrade of its entire HFC   and  is  aiming  to  increase  that  figure  to
        amount of money [into] bringing  the   network  to  full  fiber.  Having  previously   240,000 by the end of 2022, rising to around
        network up to full fiber over three years. Our   announced these  plans  in  November   one million by 2025.
        network would never be at 100% utilization.   2021, the operator is now reported to have

        MCMC Extends Public Inquiry Related to Access Pricing Review

                                             A public inquiry  on a  review of the   was  given,  however.  The  MCMC’s  public
                                             Mandatory   Standard   on   Access  inquiry  paper released  earlier  this  month
                                             Pricing  (MSAP)  has  been  extended  by   set  out its  preliminary  views  on  which
                                             the  Malaysian  Communications  and  facilities  and  services  in  the  Access  List
                                             Multimedia  Commission  (MCMC).  Having   should be subject to price regulation. It is
                                             announced the launch of the inquiry earlier   seeking  feedback  from interested  parties
                                             this  month,  the regulator had initially   on  several  specific  issues,  including  its
                                             set  a  deadline  of 21  November 2022  for   approach to developing  economic cost
                                             submissions  but  has  now  confirmed  the   models for specific services, particularly on
                                             closing  date  has  been  pushed  back  to  3   use of the long run incremental cost (LRIC)
                                             January 2023. No reason for this extension   methodology.

        Honduran Watchdog Consults on Tariff Overhaul

        The    National   Telecommunications  it  opportune  and  convenient  to review   they are compatible with current business
        Commission   (Comision  Nacional  de  the  Regulation  of  Tariffs  and  Costs  of   practices. It seeks to promote investment
        Telecomunicaciones, Conatel) has initiated   Telecommunications  Services,  contained   and development, modernize and improve
        a  consultation  into telecoms  tariffs  and   in  the  Normative  Resolution  NR028/99   efficiency, promote free, fair and effective
        costs in Honduras. The document – posted   and  its  aforementioned  reforms.’  Conatel   competition and lay the  groundwork  to
        on  the  regulator’s  website  –  explains:   says it hopes to pave the way for an open   ensure  greater  transparency in  regulatory
        ‘This commission, taking into account the   regulatory policy, aimed at  renewing  and   processes.
        importance  of tariff regulation,  considers   expanding the existing regulations so that

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