Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        TalkTalk Creates Two New Wholesale Divisions; Announces Plan for B2B

        Ethernet Supply Tender

                                             growth in  both areas, the  integration  of   Finally,  TalkTalk  confirmed  its  intention
                                             newly  acquired  Virtual  1,  and  the  focus   to launch a competitive  tender  for B2B
                                             on accelerating take up in high bandwidth   Ethernet services, noting that a combination
                                             [fiber-to-the-premises]  FTTP  and  Ethernet   of the  Virtual1  and  TalkTalk  network
                                             services  across  the  group’s  Wholesale   footprint now extends to over 3,000 on net
                                             Platform’. TTG’s  newly  formed TalkTalk   exchanges,  placing  1,500  high  bandwidth
                                             Business  Wholesale  Services  division   Ethernet  orders  per month  across  on  net,
                                             will  reportedly  offer premium and  high   off  net  and latent  solutions. TTG claims
                                             bandwidth services to resellers, aggregators   to have over 25% market share of the UK’s
                                             and system integrators, and will trade under   B2B  high  speed  Ethernet  market  and,  in
                                             two names,  TalkTalk  Wholesale  Services   the  first  three  months  of  this  year,  said
                                             and  Virtual1.  Meanwhile,  the  group’s   it  took 31%  share  of all  new  Openreach
                                             Consumer Wholesale  Services  division   connections. According  to the  company,
        UK-based  TalkTalk  Group (TTG) has   is reported to have more than one million   the  tender presents  a ‘major opportunity
        announced the  creation  of two new   residential  subscriptions  on its  books,   for both large scale and smaller providers,
        wholesale  divisions  to support  both its   including  those  belonging  to SSE Phone   covering  14  areas  across  the  UK’,  while
        B2B  and consumer wholesale  segments.   and Telecom – which TalkTalk struck a deal   it  also  ‘reflects  the  newly  competitive
        In  a  press  release  the  company said  that   to acquire from OVO Energy last month –   environment  in  wholesale  infrastructure
        this  development  reflected  ‘the  material   as well as Telecom Plus and Shell Energy.   supply’.

        CRAN Introduces New Interconnection Rates

        The Communications Regulatory Authority   and  this reduction shall  therefore  enable
        of Namibia  (CRAN)  has  introduced new   more competition in the sector … For now,
        interconnection  rates  for  mobile/fixed   consumers  will  not  directly  benefit  from
        voice calls and SMS. Under the regulator’s   this  reduction  in  terms  of paying less  for
        decision, from 1 October the mobile/fixed   voice calls but may indirectly benefit from
        termination rate (MTR/FTR) will be NAD0.05   increased competition in the industry which
        (USD0.00291)  per minute,  down from   will  increase  the  variety  of services  and
        NAD0.10  previously, while  termination  of   products. CRAN  is,  however, investigating
        SMS will remain at NAD0.01 per message.   other possibilities to reduce voice call rates,
        CRAN CEO Emilia Nghikembua said: ‘This   to give consumers relief over the medium
        decision is important as one of the largest   term and a decision will be communicated
        cost components  for  operators providing   in due course.’
        voice  services  is  that  of interconnection,

        Malaysia 5G Wholesale Network Faces Delay

        Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB), the company   last-minute  decisions  not  to participate.   minority  shareholders.  Telekom  Malaysia
        managing  Malaysia’s  controversial  single   DNB  said  transaction  documents  need   YTL  Communications, the  two  smallest
        5G  wholesale  network,  confirmed  two   to be  updated  to account for  equity   mobile players in the country, were the first
        mobile players pulled out of a deal to take   subscriptions  reduced  to four operators,   to agree to take stakes, and were followed
        stakes in the state-owned entity, requiring   which will  require  additional  internal   by Celcom Axiata and Digi, which are in the
        the  shareholding  arrangement  with  the   approvals.  It  noted  discussions  with  all   process of merging. DNB said 5G coverage
        other  four operators to be  renegotiated.   six  operators on the  terms for  access to   reached  about 30  per cent  of populated
        In  s  statement, DNB  explained  despite   the  5G  network  are  progressing  under  a   areas and is on track to hit the target of 80
        share  agreements  being  confirmed  and   separate  and  independent  track. Earlier   per  cent  coverage  of populated  areas  by
        ready to be executed by six MNOs by the   in  the  week, Reuters  reporting  Maxis   2024.
        30 August deadline, two companies made   and U-Mobile turned down an offer to be
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