Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 144


        ACCC Delves Deeper into Telstra, TPG Deal

        Australia’s competition watchdog called for   the  benefits  to  the  public  outweigh  any   in  mobile  infrastructure.  “There  is  still
        additional  comments from stakeholders   downsides.  The  agency  is  reviewing  an   a  lot  of work to do on this  complicated
        into its  preliminary  view of a  proposed   application  for  the  acquisition  of certain   and  nuanced  review.”  “At  this  stage  we
        spectrum sharing  agreement  between   TPG  Telecom spectrum tied  to three   have not reached any overall conclusions,
        Telstra  and  TPG  Telecom, after  failing   interrelated network agreements which are   but  welcome further  submissions  from
        to sate  initial  concerns.  The  Australian   being considered together. “We are looking   stakeholders  and consumers alike  on the
        Competition  and  Consumer Commission   extremely  closely  at  all  aspects  of these   issues raised.” Submissions are due by 14
        (ACCC)  stated  it  remained  concerned   agreements, as a decision either way can   October. A decision is likely be announced
        high concentrations of spectrum holdings   have  significant  long-term  effects”,  ACCC   in  early  December.  The  ACCC  estimates
        might  deter  incumbents  from  offloading   commissioner Liza  Carver stated.  Carver   the  arrangement  to actively  share  mobile
        surplus  licenses  and  instead  incentivize   explained the ACCC is assessing how the   infrastructure in certain regional and urban
        them  to  prevent  others  accessing  it.  It   proposed infrastructure  and  spectrum   fringe areas  covers about 17  per cent of
        explained  to grant  authorization, it  must   arrangements  will  change the  incentives   Australia’s  population.  Rival  Optus  called
        be  satisfied  the  transaction  would  not   and  ability  of Telstra, TPG  Telecom,   for the regional element to be rejected.
        substantially lessen competition, or ensure   Optus  and  others  to compete and  invest

        China  Unicom  Granted

        Mexican License by IFT

        Mexico’s  Federal  Telecommunications
        Institute  (Instituto  Federal  de
        Telecomunicaciones, IFT)  has  granted
        China  Unicom an  operating  license,  El
        Economista reports.  The  concession
        was  reportedly  requested  in  March  and
        awarded in July, but the decision has only
        now been made public. As per the article,
        the Chinese telco – which has set up shop
        in  the  Polanco neighborhood of Mexico
        City – will initially focus on dedicated links,
        data  transmission  and  capacity provision,
        but has not ruled out exploring the delivery
        of  mobile  and  fixed  service  to  the  mass

        Arcep Hits Free Caraibe with EUR300,000 Fine for Rollout Non-Compliance

        Paris-based  watchdog the  Authority  of   2020 that the company had not fulfilled its   •  75%  of the  population  of Saint
        Regulation for Electronic Communications   agreed  rollout  schedule.  At  that  juncture   Barthelemy; and
        and  Posts  (Autorite  de  Regulation  des   the regulator gave the telco a year to rectify   •  75% of the population of Saint-Martin.
        Communications  Electroniques  et  des   the matter – something that it did not do.   As  per  a  decision  dated  26  September
        Postes,  Arcep)  has  confirmed  that  it  has   In  the  event,  Free  Caraibe  switched  on   (published on 18 October) Arcep fined Free
        fined  Free  Caraibe  for  non-compliance   commercial services on 17 May 2022. As   Caraibe  EUR300,000  (USD295,415)  for its
        with  its  deployment  obligations  in  per its initial rollout schedule, Free Caraibe   slow rollout. The watchdog notes that the
        Guadeloupe, French  Guiana,  Martinique,   was required to deliver the following level   fine  took  into  account  the  investments
        Saint Barthelemy and Saint-Martin. Back in   of mobile and mobile broadband coverage   that Free Caraibe had made in its network
        2017 Arcep awarded Free Caraibe 800MHz,   by 22 November 2018:           deployments since the expiry of its formal
        900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz and 2.6GHz   •  50% of the population of Guadeloupe;  notice, as well as the eventual launch of the
        frequencies  in  the  five  French  overseas   •  30% of the population of French Guiana;  commercial offering.
        territories,  and  established  in  December   •  50% of the population of Martinique;
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