Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 145


        Polish Industry Body Calls for 3.5GHz Licensing

        The  Digital  Poland  Association  (Cyfrowa Polska)  has  written   networks. He added: ‘In the long term, the new generation network
        to the  government  to request  that  3.5GHz  C-band  spectrum be   will be a factor supporting further GDP growth and increasing the
        made available for 5G services ‘as soon as possible’. The award   competitiveness of the Polish economy against the background
        of 3.5GHz licenses stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has   of the European Union countries.’ Poland and the Netherlands are
        been delayed further while the government updates the Act on the   the  only  two EU  countries  which have  not  yet  awarded  3.5GHz
        National Cybersecurity System (KSC). The President of Cyfrowa   spectrum licenses.  Operators in  Poland  are currently  offering
        Polska, Michal Kanownik, said that the allocation of 5G spectrum   5G services using 2100MHz and 2600MHz spectrum which was
        is ‘necessary and urgent’, particularly given the influx of refugees   originally used for 3G and 4G networks.
        from Ukraine, which is placing additional strain on Poland’s mobile

        Ofcom Proposes New Net Neutrality Guidance

        Ofcom has  today  proposed  to  revise  its  guidance  on  how the   people to access the content and services they want, and content
        ‘net  neutrality’  rules  should  apply  in  the  UK.  This  follows  the   and app owners to reach customers online. Since the current rules
        announcement  of our new  program  of work to  ensure  that   were put in place in 2016, there have been significant developments
        digital communications markets are working well for people and   in the online world – including a surge in demand for capacity, the
        businesses  in  the  UK. Ofcom is  responsible  for monitoring  and   emergence of several large content providers such as Netflix and
        ensuring  compliance with  the  net  neutrality  rules and providing   Amazon  Prime,  and  evolving  technology  including  the  rollout  of
        guidance on how broadband and mobile providers should follow   5G. So Ofcom has carried out this review to ensure net neutrality
        them.  The  rules  themselves  are  set  out  in  legislation,  and  any   continues  to serve  everyone’s  interests.  We  want  to make  sure
        changes  to the  law would be  a  matter  for Government  and   that  net  neutrality  continues  to support  innovation,  investment
        Parliament. The principle of net neutrality is that internet users –   and growth, by content providers as well as broadband and mobile
        not their broadband or mobile provider – have control over what   companies.  Getting  this  balance  right  will  improve  consumers’
        they do online. Net neutrality has played a critical role in allowing   experiences  online,  including  through innovative  new services
                                                               and increased choice. While net neutrality remains important to
                                                               support consumer choice, we propose more clarity in our guidance
                                                               so that broadband and mobile providers can:
                                                               •  offer premium quality  retail  broadband  or mobile  packages;
                                                                 for example, ones with low latency (to send data and receive a
                                                                 response very quickly);
                                                               •  develop new ‘specialized  services’, which could include
                                                                 supporting applications like virtual reality and driverless cars;
                                                               •  use  ‘traffic  management’  measures  to  avoid  congestion  over
                                                                 their networks at peak times; and
                                                               •  offer  ‘zero-rating’  packages  in  many  circumstances  –  which
                                                                 means  not  charging  users  for accessing  certain  services, for
                                                                 example online public health advice provided by the NHS.

        DoT Publishes New NFAP; Claims TRAI Worries Have Been Addressed

        India’s  Department  of Telecommunications  (DoT)  has  published   base stations per week, and the consultation on the draft telecom
        a  new National  Frequency Allocation  Plan  (NFAP)  that  includes   bill which is set to overhaul the sector’s regulatory framework. The
        additional bands for 5G. Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw was   minister claimed that the issues regarding the potential diluting of
        cited by the Economic Times as saying that the NFAP 2022 strikes   the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI’s) powers have
        a balance between standardization and innovation, is dynamic and   now been addressed and that the draft telecom bill will focus on
        adaptive and will facilitate ease of doing business in the sector. The   user protections. As part of the consultation process for the new
        document makes additional spectrum in several bands available   bill, the TRAI and local experts had expressed concerns that the
        for 5G services, including in the sub-1GHz range, 70MHz in the mid-  proposed legislation transfers powers to the DoT and away from
        band (below 4GHz) and 1,6750MHz of additional spectrum above   the independent watchdog, removing several checks and balances
        24GHz.  The  Minister  also  discussed  the  ongoing  rollout  of 5G   on the DoT and transforming the TRAI into more of a consultative
        technology, urging providers to accelerate the deployment to 10,000   body than regulatory agency.
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