Page 182 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         The government of Timor-Leste has allocated USD14.5   currently already holds a 20.59% stake in TT, with the
                         million to purchase Brazilian operator Oi’s majority stake   remaining  shareholders  being  VDT  Operator Holdings
                         in Timor Telecom (TT) next year. Finance Minister Rui   (17.86%)  and  Timorese  businessman  Julio Alfaro
                         Gomes said that negotiations with Oi are ongoing and   (4.49%). In December 2016 Oi announced that, pursuant
        Timor Leste      that a ‘positive’ result is expected, adding that the funds   to its judicial reorganization plan, it had requested court
                         for the potential purchase have been earmarked as part
                                                                        authorization for the sale of its direct and indirect stake
                         of the General State Budget for 2023. The transaction   in TT to Investel Communications for USD36 million, in
                         involves  a  54.01%  shareholding  in  TT, controlled  by   addition to the payment of the operator’s debts to Oi in
                         Telecomunicacoes Publicas de Timor (TPT), in which Oi   the amount of USD26 million, although it appears that
                         owns 76.14%, in addition to a direct 3.05% stake held   this transaction failed to progress.
                         by PT Participacoes SGPS. The Timorese government   (October 4, 2022) News Agency Lusa

                         The Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago   dependencies. (September 30, 2022) NewsDay
                         (TSTT), and its fiber ISP unit AMPLIA Communications,
                         are  seeking  permission  to challenge  an  Appeal  Court   Trinidad  and  Tobago-based telco Flow is  poised
                         ruling  at  the  Privy  Council. The  companies  have  filed   to  extend  fiber  broadband  services  to  Bloody  Bay,
        Trinidad and     an  application  for conditional  leave  to  challenge  the   Parlatuvier and  L’Anse  Formi on  Tobago as  part
                         ruling  of the  local court  in  a lawsuit  brought by the
                                                                        of a  Universal  Services  Fund  (USF)-backed  rollout
        Tobago           Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago   administered by the Telecommunications Authority of
                         (TATT) in March 2021. That month the watchdog filed   Trinidad  and  Tobago  (TATT).  Robindranath  Maharaj,
                         a claim against TSTT and AMPLIA seeking to recover   Flow’s  Director of  Technical  Operations,  commented:
                         TTD26.467  million  (USD3.816  million)  in  unpaid   ‘Our  teams  have  been  here,  working  on  the  ground
                         contributions  to  the  Universal  Service  Fund  (USF).   to get  your areas  ready  for connectivity.  To date,  we
                         The  hearing  –  which  has  already  been  upheld  and   have  hundreds  of  homes  and  businesses  ready  for
                         then  reversed  –  was  due  before  the  Appeal  Court  on   connection. Our technical plans will see us deploying
                         Monday 26 September, but has now been adjourned to   over 45km of fiber.’
                         8 November. The Privy Council (JCPC) is the court of   (September 1, 2022)
                         final appeal for the UK overseas territories and Crown

                         British  telecoms  regulator Ofcom  has  announced   Microsoft  and  Google’s  respective  positions  in  cloud
                         that it has decided to make changes to the technical   services, alongside a separate investigation into the role
                         conditions of mobile licenses held by O2 and Vodafone   of communications apps and connected devices in the
                         in response to requests by the two cellcos. In a press   country. Starting with cloud, Ofcom stated its probe will
        United           release regarding the matter, Ofcom confirmed that it   explore if digital communications markets are working
                                                                        well for people and businesses in the UK, as the sector
                         will  update  the  technical  conditions  of concessions
        Kingdom          held by Vodafone in the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz   continues to gain more prominence. Ofcom explained
                         and  2.6GHz  bands.  These  variations  will  amend the   cloud computing uses remote servers to offer a range
                         licenses with updated parameters ‘to reflect the latest   of services and it has become an essential part of how
                         technologies’  and  will  remove technology restrictions   products are delivered  to telecoms users  as  well  as
                         within  the licenses  making them technology neutral.   those consuming TV, radio and audio content. The probe
                         Meanwhile, the regulator also confirmed it will remove   will  see  Ofcom  launch a market  study  in  the  coming
                         a restriction placed on O2’s unpaired spectrum in the   weeks  looking  at  the  three  largest  providers  of cloud
                         2.6GHz band. This variation will remove a restriction on   services, described by the regulator as “hyperscalers”,
                         the 5MHz block within the mobile operator’s unpaired   to formally assess how the market is operating. It said
                         spectrum  allocation  adjacent  to Vodafone’s unpaired   the trio held 81 per cent of cloud market share in the UK,
                         allocation. According to the regulator, this will allow O2   in a segment worth £15 billion in the country. “We will
                         to use an unrestricted 20MHz of spectrum compared   examine the strength of competition in cloud services
                         with  the  15MHz  currently  available.  Meanwhile,   generally and the position the three hyperscalers hold
                         Vodafone’s license will be similarly varied.   in  the  market,”  Ofcom stated.  It  will  further  consider
                         (September 23, 2022)       any market features which might limit innovation and
                                                                        growth  in  this  sector  by  making  it  difficult  for  other
                         UK regulator Ofcom announced a probe into Amazon,   companies to enter. Once it concludes the study, it will

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