Page 181 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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more than 24-months will be subjected to the use it or policy gains in the use of spectrum are permitted with
lose it principle.’ The document continues: ‘To promote prior approval of the regulator. The regulator must set
economic development, market-based approaches standard operating rules, and terms and conditions
such as spectrum trading, spectrum sharing, dynamic applicable for trading, sharing, and sub-letting of
spectrum access use, and spectrum subletting and/ spectrum.’
or sharing between licensees which ensures public (September 9, 2022)
The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (Post & cooperation with the industry and regional and local
Telestyrelsen, PTS) says the country could fail to reach actors, is steadily bringing us closer to the broadband
its target for fixed broadband coverage by the end of goals.’ (October 12, 2022)
2025. The government had hoped to have a minimum
Sweden 100Mbps connection available to 99.9% of the The Post and Telecom Agency (Post & Telestyrelsen,
population by that date, but the regulator now says this PTS) has opened a consultation into proposed changes
will be a ‘major challenge’. PTS is now studying to what to minimum coverage requirements associated with
extent satellite and mobile broadband networks will licenses in the 900MHz, 2100MHz and 2.6GHz bands.
be able to meet the minimum speed target in isolated The regulator is looking to alter the terms of 2100MHz
areas. On a positive note, the watchdog says a goal of and 2.6GHz concessions to ensure that main railway
having a 1Gbps service available to 98% of Swedes will routes are included in operator rollouts. In the 900MHz
be met thanks to continued government funding of rural band, meanwhile, one license of 2×10MHz will contain
fiber rollout projects, though it could be a few years after additional coverage obligations to ensure the availability
the end-2025 target date. A target of minimum 30Mbps of mobile broadband services on rural roads and rail
speeds to 100% of the population is likely to be achieved lines. PTS now says it will involve regional authorities in
thanks to mobile and satellite broadband coverage. Dan the process to define the areas which will be included.
Sjoblom, PTS Director General, commented: ‘It is very A combined auction of 900MHz, 2100MHz and 2.6GHz
gratifying that the government’s broadband support spectrum is expected to be held in the third quarter of
makes a difference throughout the country. Continued 2023, with existing licenses due to expire at the end of
work with broadband support, in combination with 2025. (October 5, 2022)
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Vodacom, Tigo and Viettel which trades as Halotel, won
(TCRA) has concluded the auction of mobile spectrum a total of eleven blocks in different bands. No blocks
licenses, earning a total of USD 187.5 million. TCRA remained unsold in the 700 MHz, 2,300 MHz, 2,600 MHz
said that five bidders participated in the auction, which and 3,500 MHz bands.
Tanzania was held on 11 October. Four bidders, namely Airtel, (October 13, 2022)
Three of the five board members of the National will also face a three-year ban on spectrum sharing, and
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission will be forced to allocate 20% of their network capacities
(NBTC) are looking to apply tough remedies to the for MVNO use. However, the tougher measures are
controversial merger deal between True Corporation likely to see consolidation/spectrum sharing banned
Thailand and Total Access Communication (DTAC). According indefinitely. In November 2021 True Corp and DTAC –
to an unnamed industry source, the board will begin by Thailand’s second and third-largest mobile operators,
establishing whether or not it has the authority to approve respectively – agreed to merge their operations as they
or reject the merger outright. If the watchdog is unable to seek to topple Advanced Info Service (AIS) and create
block the merger, the NBTC will seek to impose tougher a new market leader. Thai agribusiness conglomerate
measures on the tie-up, with some commissioners Charoen Pokphand Group controls True Corp, while
believing that the proposed draft measures are ‘too Norwegian telco Telenor is DTAC’s largest shareholder.
weak’. As per the report, the draft prohibits the merger When completed, the enlarged player is likely to be
of True Move H Universal Communication (TUC) and worth an estimated USD8.6 billion.
dtac TriNet (DTN) – the mobile units of the respective (October 18, 2022) The Bangkok Post
companies – for a period of three years. The two units