Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 19
Q. What benefits will 5G bring to consumers lance in a control environment with proper • Agile and flexible model to address
and businesses in the region? privacy protection therefore enabling addi- dynamic demands of IOT applications
A. 5G offers greater capacity, higher data tional security for citizens. 5G will enable • Quality assurance - centralized remote
rates, lower latency and it will support smart agriculture including drone-based monitoring, workforce enablement
further innovations such as the internet farming, remote crop monitoring and mul- • Enterprise transformation
of things (IOT), network slicing, creating tiple crops with higher efficiency. Some of • Enhanced connectivity
a smarter connected world. Compared the large enterprises have already deployed • Minimize supply chains bottlenecks
to other countries, 5G deployment has private wireless network for the specific
increased 2-3% of digital GDP in Africa. use cases specially in mining & manufac- Q. How should CIOs plan and architect
turing. 5G will further accelerate the digital their networks to maximize the promise of
As broadband penetration in Africa is low, adoption and different set of use cases 5G technology?
5G is expected to offer an alternative to emerging including low latency and mas- A. CIOs and organizations must develop a
fixed broadband at affordable cost for sive IOT use cases. clear roadmap for rationalizing their legacy
consumers in Africa. This will also enable 2G and/or 3G networks ahead of mass-
digital ecosystem for a hyperconnected Q. 5G offers extremely fast, low latency market 5G rollout. It is critical for them to
Africa and empower citizens to bring more connections. What advantages will this have foundational infrastructure availability
innovation into their daily life and thus bring to enterprise organizations in Africa? and readiness for 5G such as spectrum,
create employment opportunities. Due to A. 5G is propelling force for fourth industrial fiber, devices, labs, business case etc.
higher data rate speed, consumers can revolution. It brings array of disruptive There should be clear-cut articulation of
also enjoy high speed live streaming and transformative technologies such as AR/ 5G relevant use cases & prioritization,
television like experience on their home VR, AI/ML, metaverse, cloud enablement architectural blueprint & roadmap of
broadband, mobile phones, TV set etc. etc. This innovative transformation spurs 5G platforms based on use cases.
5G’s extraordinary speeds, greater capacity force multiplier effect into enterprises Organizations must invest in building agile
and virtually unlimited connectivity will such as digital healthcare, education, oil organization empowered with emerging
help customers with faster payments, and gas, mining, manufacturing, smart technological skillsets. Stringent security
connected vehicles, connected homes, retail, smart homes, real estate etc. Africa measures and ensuring 5G service
better mobile service, safer streets, and is going to witness exponential GDP assurance while adopting 5G technology
enhanced entertainment. growth. 5G adoption among enterprises are extremely important.
in Africa will act as strong catalyst for
5G adoption among en- the same. For mining industry in Africa, Healthcare sector is
5G will enable safe mines and thereby
terprises in Africa will controlling accident rates. It will make expected to evolve with
act as strong catalyst semi-autonomous operations possible and 5G in Africa. Remote
increases productivity by 15-30%.
for the same. For mining video consultation,
industry in Africa, 5G will Government organizations will benefit analytics based
largely through safer connected cities with
enable safe mines and intelligent remote surveillance enabled by preventive care will
thereby controlling ac- 5G. It will further improve education industry become seamless
by supporting online education with faster
cident rates. It will make and uninterrupted internet and digital through 5G. With
semi-autonomous op- learning resources. Healthcare sector disruptive technologies
is expected to evolve with 5G in Africa.
erations possible and Remote video consultation, analytics based in automation and
increases productivity preventive care will become seamless sensors, telemedicine,
through 5G. With disruptive technologies
by 15-30%. in automation and sensors, telemedicine, remote tracking
remote tracking patient health, video patient health, video
Africa is a hub for natural resources like consultation as well movements of staff
mines and mineral and 5G will foster pro- and equipment in hospitals, will increase consultation as well
ductivity and efficiency across these indus- efficiencies in healthcare sector. movements of staff and
tries. 5G offers its features of low latency
with wider coverage and hence provides • Below are some of the benefits across equipment in hospitals,
opportunity to enhance productivity, effi- industries will increase efficiencies
ciency, and safety at minimal cost. 5G also • Operational cost optimization – OPEX
offers intelligent and cost-effective surveil- and CAPEX reduction in healthcare sector.