Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 23


                                                                                 it will provide assessments to evaluate the
                                                                                 capabilities and competencies of trainees,
                                                                                 employees  and  leaders.  The  memo also
                                                                                 includes  exchanging  experiences  and
                                                                                 knowledge,   providing  consultations,
                                                                                 and  exploring  opportunities  and  career
                                                                                 development  programs through  the  stc
                                                                                 Academy to accelerate  the  development
                                                                                 of  young  people  in  the  fields  of  data  and
                                                                                 artificial intelligence. Eng. Olayan Alwetaid,
                                                                                 Group CEO of stc said: “Our collaboration
                                                                                 with the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                 Authority  confirms  stc’s  role  in  enabling
                                                                                 the digital system for artificial intelligence,
                                                                                 by the  dissemination  of research and
                                                                                 development,  and  enhancing  the  digital
        protect  personal  data.  The  memorandum   towards  supporting  and  enabling  the   capabilities through strategic partnerships
        is  also  providing the  digital  solutions  and   NGO’s  projects  and  programs  adopted  by   to  accelerate  the  transformation  stages
        services available on the stc’s sustainability   “SDAIA”. Furthermore, it pursues to develop   and  transition  to  reliance  on  artificial
        platform to charities  that  are  listed  on   environmental services and products, and   intelligence, to support the digital economy
        “Ehsan” platform. It also tends to cooperate   specialized volunteering projects, as well as   in  line  with  the  Kingdom’s  Vision  2030.”

        stc Continues Its Investment in Protecting the Digital Infrastructure in the
        Kingdom by Launching the Security Pass Program for Suppliers

        stc  Group launched  the  cybersecurity as-  nies  approved  by it.  This  program comes   the  world,  our  new  certification  will  help
        surance program for  suppliers,  thus  the   from stc Group's  keenness  to secure  and   ensure the protection of our partners, the
        group became one of the first companies   protect the  institutions  and companies  it   Kingdom's broader technology ecosystem,
        in  the  world to  launch  this  service, and   serves. In line with its mission to support   and  the  future  of the  IT  sector.  This  ser-
        this  comes  as  part  of its  commitment to   the region's technology sector and enable   vice is particularly important as business-
        enabling  the  digital  infrastructure of the   digital infrastructure, the launch of the cer-  es and organizations are often challenged
        Kingdom. It is worth noting that the Secu-  tificate will enhance protection against cy-  by potential  cybersecurity risks. Our new
        rity Pass program will assure suppliers of   ber attacks on users and service providers   certification will provide essential support
        strict standards by adopting best cyberse-  and reduce third-party cybersecurity risks.   and ensure the protection of our partners
        curity practices. The program aims to mo-  Engineer Haitham bin Mohammed Al-Faraj,   and suppliers.” This step will encourage stc
        tivate suppliers to adhere to stc's cyberse-  Chief Technology Officer of stc Group, said:   group partners to obtain the Cyber Securi-
        curity standards, by obtaining a certificate   “The launch of the Supplier Security Pass   ty  Assurance  Certificate.  This  will  help  to
        of compliance with cybersecurity controls.   program represents  another  important   avoid unexpected accidents  by adopting
        Suppliers  can  also  confirm  their  compli-  step  towards  transforming the Kingdom   stc group standards. Obtaining a Security
        ance  with  the  requirements  of stc  Group   into a hub for  innovation.  As cybersecuri-  Pass certificate is a prerequisite for signing
        for  cybersecurity  by  obtaining  the  certifi-  ty risks continue to grow and prove more   any  partnership  contract  with  stc  Group.
        cate from the audit and evaluation compa-  costly to businesses and industries around

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