Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 127
ITU Inter-Regional Workshop Focuses on Preparations for World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19)
An Inter-regional Workshop focused on surveillance, and environmental moni- multiple, multi-satellite constellations.
preparations for the upcoming World toring. “WRC-19 will play a critical role in
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC- • Conditions of use of Wireless access helping achieve many of the Sustainable
19) opened in Geneva on the 4th of systems, including radio local area Development Goals (SDGs), such as
September. This preparatory workshop networks (WAS/RLAN), to provide dealing with the accelerating climate
for WRC-19, the third such meeting effective communication for portable crisis, reducing food shortages, improving
met 4-6 September 2019. Discussions and mobile computer-based equipment. safety in transportation systems in
centered on the agenda of the World • Updating and modernization of the the air, on land, and on the sea, while
Radiocommunication Conference as well Global Maritime Distress and Safety providing improved connectivity for
as regional priorities and inputs that have System (GMDSS), with consideration people worldwide,” said ITU Secretary-
been prepared both for WRC-19, which will of new frequencies for additional General Houlin Zhao. “This inter-regional
be held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from GMDSS satellite providers to expand workshop marks a key step in preparing
28 October until 22 November 2019, and geographical coverage, including in for the World Radiocommunication
the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA- Polar Regions, for safety in maritime Conference, which will take place in Sharm
19) that will precede it at the same venue, navigation and search-and-rescue El-Sheikh this fall.” “The multi-trillion dollar
21-25 October. Experts representing the operations, as well as to enhance telecommunication industry is looking
Regional Groups and the ITU Member collision avoidance systems. forward to the decisions taken at the World
States preparing for WRC-19 will share • Frequency bands used by science Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-
latest information and explanations services will be considered to ensure 19),” said Mr Mario Maniewicz, Director
on their positions for the Conference. that Earth exploration-satellite, of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.
Information on the status of readiness of meteorological-satellite and other “The global harmonization of spectrum for
the Conference by ITU and the host country, systems continue to be able to provide fixed, mobile, satellite and broadcasting
Egypt, will also be provided. Among the environmental monitoring, prediction industries will be essential in achieving
issues on the agenda at this Workshop and mitigation of the negative effects of economies of scale and in connecting the
that will come up at WRC-19: disasters caused by climate change as world to cutting edge developments and
• Identification of frequency bands for well as to monitor the earth’s resources innovations in telecommunications.” Dr.
the future development of International and any other key services. Amr Badawi, former Executive President of
Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), • Consider additional frequencies with the National Telecom Regulatory Authority
including possible additional allocations appropriate regulatory, technical, and (NTRA) of Egypt and the proposed Chairman
to the mobile service. operational conditions for earth stations of WRC-19, said, “This Inter-regional
• Identification of frequency bands for in motion (ESIM) communicating Workshop is an excellent opportunity to
High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPs) from aircraft, maritime vessels and have a final look at the priorities facing
– aircraft positioned in the stratosphere land vehicles with satellites on the WRC-19 and to ensure preparations for
for very-long-duration flights – which geostationary orbit (GSO); enhance this important conference are on track. I
can be used for a variety of applications, the international regulatory framework look forward to welcoming participants
such as telecommunications, emergen- to improve satellite broadband from around the world in Sharm El-Sheikh
cy/public safety communications, intel- connectivity including from new non- and to the deliberations which will shape
ligent transportation systems, maritime GSO satellite systems composed of the future of global telecommunications.”
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