Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        MCIT Saudi Arabia Launches 3rd Edition of ICT Competition

        Under  the patronage  of the Ministry   This initiative comes within the Ministry’s   Technologies  Co., said: “Working with
        of Communications and Information    strategic plans to qualify human capital   MCIT for the third edition of the Huawei ICT
        Technology  (MCIT), and organization  of   in digital transformation as the main pillar   Competition  in  Saudi Arabia  is  an  honor.
        Huawei  international, the third  edition   and effective tool of development, through   We are proud to once more invite students
        of ICT Competition was  launched  at a   an integrated program to develop national   to participate in this exciting competition,
        ceremony attended by  Chen  Weiqing,   cadres, disseminate digital knowledge   which offers valuable real-life experience
        Chinese Ambassador to Kingdom of Saudi   and create  a  competitive environment   opportunities, as well as the chance to win
        Arabia,  Mark  Xueman,  Vice  President   that attracts and stimulates innovation   the prize of a lifetime working with Huawei’s
        of Huawei Technologies  Co.,  Dennis   and digital  entrepreneurship,  which will   experts in our China headquarters.” In the
        Zhang  CEO  of Huawei Tech.  Investment   contribute to the growth of the ICT Sector.”   2018 edition of the competition, the team
        Saudi Arabia  Co.  Ltd, in  addition to   “Huawei’s  ICT  Competition  provides a   from Saudi  Arabia won third place  in the
        representatives  from  ICT  commission,   platform that  encourages  and  educates   final  round  of  the  competition,  which
        General  Institution for Technological   youth in the field of ICT, preparing them to   took place  at Huawei’s headquarters in
        and Vocational Training and a number of   further develop the sector in the Kingdom,   Shenzhen, China, a great honor and a big
        Saudi universities. The competition, which   thereby increasing its value and potential   boost for them to score more successes at
        aligns with the ambitions of Vision 2030   for the future of Saudi Arabia,” he added.   the regional and international arenas.
        and National ICT Strategy 2023, promotes   Mark  Xueman,  Vice  President  of  Huawei
        innovation and creativity.  Contestants
        are tested on their knowledge  of cloud
        computing, switching, routing, and network
        security.  In  addition, the competition
        gets participants  up-to-date with  the
        latest  technologies  such  as  IoT,  AI,  Big
        Data and most importantly 5G, the future
        technology.  The  competition  comprises
        three  stages:  preliminary,  national  final
        and  international  final.  The  top  teams
        will  advance  to  the  national  final  stage,
        which will  take place in November 2019.
        The national winners of the competition
        will not only receive certificates, trophies,
        and prizes, but will  also  have a  once-in-
        a-lifetime  opportunity to travel to China
        and gain  insider  access to  a  top global
        ICT  company.  Dr.  Ahmed Altheneyyan,
        Deputy Minister for Technology and Digital
        Capacities Development  at  MCIT, said: “

        DT Obtains Government Approval for Sale of Telekom Romania to Orange

        Deutsche  Telekom (DT) has received   opening  the way  for a  potential  deal to   its  Romanian mobile subsidiary  Telekom
        approval  from the Romanian government   be concluded in  the coming weeks.  DT   Romania Mobile Communications to
        to sell its stake in Telekom Romania   owns a 54.01% stake in Telekom Romania   Bulgarian businessman Spas Rousev, who
        Communications  to Orange,  reports local   Communications  (formerly RomTelecom)   is reportedly backed by Russian investment
        business news website Economica, citing   through  Greek telco  OTE, while the   funds.  Telekom  Romania  Mobile
        sources within the company. Srini Gopalan,   Romanian government via the Ministry of   Communications (renamed from Cosmote
        a DT board member, is said to have met   Communications  &  Information  Society   Romania in September 2014) is owned by
        communications   minister  Alexandru  (MCSI)  controls  the remaining 45.99%.  OTE (70.00%), with the remainder held by
        Petrescu last  week to discuss  the deal,   In a separate deal, DT is expected to sell   Telekom Romania Communications.

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