Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 134


        from  the  services  associated with  the   Arab Emirates for sharing  the names of   on  the  GCC  e-government  portal.  They
        framework agreements, such as increasing   the programs used to measure the actual   also  discussed  the system  of  identity
        the number of consultancy hours and free   consumption  of products  and services.   verification  in  the  GCC  countries,  the
        training courses, reducing the operational   The meeting also discussed the integration   service of establishment and management
        cost and localizing the services provided.   of the common  e-services in  the GCC   of commercial  activities  owned  by  GCC
        Additionally, it discussed  the investment   countries through the GCC e-government   nationals, the service of navigating through
        revenues  of the framework agreements   network on a unified platform to be defined   e-portals, the exchange of traffic violations
        and   accompanying   services.  The  in each  of the  GCC  countries,  and the   in  the GCC countries, and the retirement
        participating members thanked the United   addition of  the  agreed e-services links   and pension services in the GCC countries.

        FCC Proposes $950 Million for U.S. Virgin Island, Puerto Rico Broadband


        The FCC said that it will vote later this month on a proposal to make
        $950 million available to rebuild broadband networks that were
        “devastated” by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. According to
        a press briefing by FCC officials, the plans – spearheaded by FCC
        Chairman Ajit Pai — call for separate funds for mobile and fixed
        service and for a separate Virgin Island and Puerto Rico broadband
        fund. Officials said plans include shifting funding from traditional
        high-cost Universal Service Fund (USF) programs for the islands,
        which would be phased  out.   Additional funding  also  would be
        provided through the USF high-cost program, the officials said.
        They noted that the program is funded by service providers but
        did not specify whether the extra funding would come by reducing
        funding for other program recipients or increasing the contribution
        factor used to calculate service provider contributions.
        FCC Puerto Rico Broadband Fund
        The FCC proposal for Puerto Rico would allocate $510 million over   U.S. Virgin Islands, Mobile Broadband Fund
        10 years for fixed broadband and $254 million over three years   Funding  for  fixed  providers  in  the  U.S.  Virgin  Islands  would  be
        for mobile broadband. The U.S. Virgin Islands would receive $186   awarded in a similar manner, but that territory would be divided
        million  over  10  years  for  fixed  broadband  and  $4  million  over   into just two geographic  areas – one  including  St. Croix and
        three years for mobile broadband. Funding for fixed providers in   the other including St. Thomas and St. John. Mobile broadband
        Puerto Rico would be awarded based on proposals submitted by   funding  for Puerto Rico and the U.S.  Virgin Islands would be
        the providers that  would consider  price,  network performance   allocated to service providers based on the number of subscribers
        and network resiliency and redundancy. Providers would have to   the providers served as of June 2017. Providers would be allowed
        deploy service supporting speeds of at least 25 Mbps downstream   to use up to 75% of funding on LTE networks and up to 25% of
        and 3 Mbps upstream. Proposals  to provide  service  at either   funding for 5G networks supporting speeds of at least 35 Mbps
        of two higher  speed  tiers would be  favored,  with proposals to   downstream and 3 Mbps upstream. The proposal outlined today
        provide gigabit speeds having the most favored status, followed   appears quite similar to one that Pai made last year. The chairman
        by proposals to provide 100 Mbps service. Proposals to provide   may have reasoned that with the nation’s attention focused on the
        lower-latency service also would be favored, as would proposals   current Hurricane Dorian, this would be a good time to formalize
        to provide more reliable  service by, for example,  using  buried   the proposal for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Today’s
        rather than aerial fiber. In addition, proposals requesting a lower   FCC press release notes that the proposed $950 million for Puerto
        level of funding overall would have priority. Proposals would be   Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands is in addition to $130 million in
        made to provide service throughout a municipio, of which there   extra funding that the commission previously provided to restore
        are 78 in Puerto Rico. Providers would be required to make service   hurricane-damaged networks in those islands since 2017.
        available to every home and business within a municipio.

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