Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 17
The UAE Chairs the Annual Meeting of the ITU Council Working Group on
Child Online Protection
The United Arab Emirates (UAE),
represented by the Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority (TRA), chaired the
annual meeting of the ITU Council Working
Group on Child Online Protection (COP), at
the ITU headquarters in Geneva.
The meeting, chaired by Engineer Abdelaziz
Al Zarooni of the Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority (TRA), discussed
the development of global COP guidelines
and the exchange of experiences among
Member States on the best ways to build
efficient and effective programs to raise
parents and children’s awareness about
technology risks and safe use.
The UAE also participated in a number of
meetings on the sidelines of the meeting,
such as meeting with The Council H.E. Al Mansoori added: “TRA active technical standards and policy frameworks
Working Group on Financial and Human participation in the ITU meetings is part that make mobile and broadband
Resources, The Council Working Group of the country’s openness to issues of accessible to all communities, and ensure
on international Internet-related public concern to people globally, and reflects that ICT services are affordable, equitable
policy issues, The Council Working Group positively on the country’s efforts to achieve and global.
on World Telecommunication/ICT Policy leadership in various fields, especially
Forum (WTPF), the Council Working Group the telecommunications sector as one of In addition, ITU meetings empower all
on WSIS & SDGs, and The Council Working the most important sectors nowadays. countries in the field of telecommunications
Group on COP. Through our participation in ITU events, we through technology education and training,
accelerate decisions that serve the interest and make Internet connection possible
On chairing the annual meeting of the of the UAE and the countries of the region, everywhere, thus, helping to achieve
ITU Council Working Group on COP by and contribute to the promotion of the the sustainable development goals and
the UAE, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, United Nations sustainable development dignified life for different peoples of the
TRA Director General, said: “Chairing goals at the global level. These meetings world.
this meeting reflects the UAE’s strong are highly important as they contribute to
position in international forums and the developing relevant laws and strategies as The UAE has been elected as member of
confidence it enjoys in the global arena. well as sharing our views with the world the ITU Council for the fourth consecutive
It also highlights the UAE’s leading role on key issues, such as the protection of time for Asia and Australia, receiving 164
in achieving the safety of individuals children on the Internet. ” votes. The UAE’s election took place at the
and communities on the internet, thus 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference, hosted
enhancing happiness, prosperity and The meetings of the Council deal with a by the UAE in Dubai from October 29 to
security all over the world. Today, the UAE number of important topics that define November 16, 2018.
is ranked as one of the safest countries in the ITU standards and the international
the world, and by chairing the Council’s protocols and conventions underpinning The election of the UAE for the fourth time
Working Group on COP, it contributes to the the global telecommunications system. as a member of the ITU Council reflects
dissemination of its successful experience These meetings also identify emerging the UAE’s leading position in the global ICT
in this field, leading to a safer digital space technologies of future networks and sector, where the country has a reputation
that allows children and adolescents to services in support of the Fourth Industrial for excellence in this field and has always
develop their skills and abilities in a safe Revolution and the process of digital been a key supporter of all sustainable
environment.” transformation. These meetings develop development efforts.