Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 21


                                             du and Network International Join Forces to

                                             Launch Advanced Payment Solution

        As  a  one-stop-shop for empowering   with today’s payment solutions. Hany Aly,   Middle East at Network International, said:
        the UAE’s  enterprise  sector,  du, from   Executive Vice  President  for Enterprise   “As we continue to facilitate the rapid shift
        Emirates  Integrated Telecommunications   Business,  du,  said:  “In  the  UAE,  the  SME   from cash to digital  payments, Network
        Company  (EITC), is enabling  small-to-  sector  represents  a large segment of the   International  is  proud  to partner with du
        medium businesses to flourish through   overall business landscape. As the nation   to  launch  the  Business  POS  solution  for
        the  launch  of  an  efficient,  affordable   becomes more digitally enhanced with the   SMEs, which plays a vital role in powering
        POS  solution. As  the UAE transitions to   onset of the digital transformation agenda,   the  UAE’s economy. As a market leader
        becoming  a  cashless society by  2020  in   these  enterprise  ecosystems  will need  to   in  payment solutions, we  are  committed
        line with the Smart Government initiative,   adequately  evolve with the technological   to  revolutionizing  how  businesses
        merchants are increasingly on the lookout   transformations of tomorrow. The launch   manage and accept payments, and our
        for innovative offerings to  digitize their   of  du’s  advanced  digital  Business  POS   N-Genius™payment  platform  offers
        services. With  zero upfront payments,   solution will empower SMEs to experience   merchants a flexible, scalable solution that
        free  setup,  and a state-of-the-art POS   business  growth and continuity, as  well   can help  them quickly adapt to a  rapidly
        machine,  du’s  Business  POS  offering  –   as  achieve new capabilities  that will   changing  environment.”  Business  POS  is
        supported by  Network  International’s   enable them to  thrive  and contribute to   a  payment solution device that  enables
        N-Genius™payment technology platform –   the  digital transformation  agenda of the   merchants to  accept card  payments
        eases many of the pain points associated   UAE.” Samer Soliman- Managing Director,   and digitize their  payment transactions
                                                                                 to  maximise  efficiency.  By  offering  zero
                                                                                 upfront cost, free setup, and reduced
                                                                                 transaction fees  across  a  24-month
                                                                                 instalment  plan,  Business  POS  enables
                                                                                 customers  to  kick-start  their  business
                                                                                 with  an  Advanced  Digital POS on the
                                                                                 N-Genius™payment platform. N-Genius™is
                                                                                 enabled  with  a  touch  screen,  accepts
                                                                                 contactless payments, runs on the Android
                                                                                 operating  system, and allows  customer
                                                                                 receipts to be sent via email to reduce paper
                                                                                 use. It  provides  customers  with a  digital
                                                                                 payment interface that  accommodates
                                                                                 new payment methods  including  Apple
                                                                                 Pay, Samsung Pay, Alipay and WeChat pay.
                                                                                 The portability of the device means it can
                                                                                 be used safely and securely as a fixed or
                                                                                 mobile device anywhere in the UAE.

        du Names New Chief Executive to Replace Osman Sultan

        Emirates  Integrated Telecommunications   telecommunications  industry”,  it said.   biggest global internet  carriers, with  €8
        Company, also known as  du,  appointed   “I  am  delighted  that  this  has  resulted  in   billion (Dh32.8bn) of revenues  operating
        industry veteran Johan  Dennelind  as   the selection of  Johan,  who has  earned   across seven countries. Mr. Dennelind has
        Chief  executive, replacing  Osman Sultan   a reputation  for delivering  results in   earlier held roles for Telia  in the Nordics,
        after almost 14  years at  the helm  of the   challenging situations,” said Mohamed Al   Brazil and Sri Lanka, amongst others, after
        company.  The new chief  executive will   Hussaini, EITC Chairman. “We are confident   which  he was  appointed  as  the  deputy
        take charge of the telecom  operator  in   that  his  extensive international  exposure   chief executive  of  Telenor  in  his  native
        early 2020, du said  in a  statement to   and experience  of managing public   Sweden.  He later took on roles as  the
        the Dubai Financial Market, where its   companies will add great value to EITC.” Mr.   chief  financial  officer  and  chief  executive
        shares trade. The appointment  follows   Dennelind  brings 25 years of experience   of Digi in Malaysia, which  was also part
        a  rigorous  international  search  to  find  a   in the telecoms and internet industry. He   of the Telenor  Group. Mr.  Dennelind
        candidate  who could  steer the  company   is currently group chief executive of Telia,   also  oversaw  Vodafone  and Vodacom’s
        through  the “changing  nature of the   the largest Nordic operator and one of the   seven businesses across  continental

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