Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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energy, commerce and industry. Due to the – Jordan (Int@j), Eng. Nidal Bitar, Director young entrepreneurs, whom the company
importance of the prize a jury with expertise of Strategy & Partnerships at Crown keen to support through providing
in entrepreneurship has been formed and Prince Foundation, Mais AlDaoud, pioneer training programs, financial support and
consisted of: Chief Executive Officer of Abd Fida Taher and PR, CSR, and Corporate professional expertise, in order to help
Al Hamid Shoman Foundation, Valentina Communication Director at Orange Jordan, them turn their ideas into real projects on
Kassisieh, Deputy Executive Director at Rana Al Dababneh.. This prize falls in ground, contributing to the development
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human line with is in line with Orange Jordan’s of the local community and advancing the
Development (JOHUD), Mohammad CSR plan, through which the company overall development of the Kingdom.
Al-Amoush, CEO at Information and aims to capitalize on and invest in the
Communications Technology Association talents of the local community, especially
Orange Data Center Receives the Tier III International Certification
offered at “Hashim Station”, and that the
center is considered a support for the
Orange network in the Hashim Station
Data Center to maintain the continuity
of data flow efficiently and without
interruption through high-speed internet.
He added that the company has made
significant investments to strengthen its
infrastructure to stay up-to-date with
the digital development in the world and
achieve the desired prosperity in the
business of its customers, as a proof of its
outstanding expertise in data collection,
transmission, archiving, processing,
analysis, sharing and maintaining its
security. From another side, the company
has been an active contributor to the
consolidation of the telecommunications
infrastructure which has become possible
Under the patronage of HRH Princess Doulat, Data Center Manager and Tier for all other sectors with no exception.
Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of III Project Manager, Bahjat Al-Adwan Eng. Smeirat talked about the importance
the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) and and Eng. Mustapha Louni, Managing of the center, saying that: “This center that
Chairman of the Board of Trustees Director - Middle East, Africa & Greater we established in 2013 as a second data
at Princess Sumaya University for India at Uptime Institute, Marigny said center to meet the needs of our business
Technology (PSUT), Orange Jordan held that: “Orange Jordan is the first company customers in the Kingdom, and place
a press conference to announce that the at a national level that obtains this the latest technologies and innovations
Orange Data Center has received the TIer certificate, which is given according to the in their hands by providing a suitable
III Constructed Facility Certificate from international standards and specifications environment for hosting web sites or big
the American Uptime Institute, specialized that must be held by information centers software that requires a 24-hour online
in studying and evaluating global data on an international level, affirming that the presence without interruption or being
centers, after the center has passed the company is interested in serving all people affected by surrounding conditions. The
requirements for this certificate to become benefiting from its services, whether on first Orange Data Center was established
the first data center in the Kingdom to a business level or individually, pointing 20 years ago to serve customers and that
obtain this certificate. H.E., Marwan out to company keenness in offering all the company always seeks to adopt digital
Juma, Vice Chairman of PSUT’s Board services that meet the expectations of technology and offer integrated and the
of Trustees attended on behalf of HRH the business sector and companies. For most advanced services to its businesses
Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan. During this reason, the company established this customers in the Kingdom. This will
the press conference held at the center in center six years ago, which is considered benefit many companies and institutions
the attendance of CEO of Orange Jordan, to be a realistic example of the digital in various sectors, including; financial,
Mr. Thierry Marigny, Chief Enterprise development witnessed in the Kingdom. healthcare, media, e-commerce, education
Officer, Mr. Sami Smeirat, Chief Wholesale Marigny also pointed out that the Orange and government”. Eng. Doulat, said that:
Officer and Chief Information Technology Data Center, and since its inception, has “Receiving the Tier III Certification affirms
and Networks Officer, Mr. Waleed Al been providing services similar to those that the company has achieved the