Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                                             U.K’s Digital Only Banks on Track to Triple

                                             Customers to 35 Million in the Next 12 Months:

        Digital-only banks  operating  in the   fivefold  from  around  £70  to  £350  per   at  a  time  when trust  in  traditional banks
        U.K.  could  amass  a  total  of 35  million   customer in the first half of 2019. Digital-  is  increasing.  While digital-only  banks
        customers  globally within the  next 12   only banks  are also reaping  the rewards   gain momentum, traditional banks remain
        months  —  up from 13 million today —   of improving the customer  experience  as   the preferred  primary account  holder  for
        based on current growth rates, according   they gain an average Net Promoter Score   most consumers. Furthermore, incumbent
        to  new  research  from  Accenture  (NYSE:   of  62  compared to  just  19  for traditional   banks are investing heavily  in digital to
        ACN) which tracks the performance of UK   banks. They also retain a significant cost   provide a better experience for customers,
        digital  banks.  In  the  first  six  months  of   advantage with the average operating cost   with an initial focus on transforming their
        2019 alone, five million people opened an   per  customer  at  £20  to  £50,  compared   existing  infrastructure, and several are
        account with a digital-only bank. Digital-  to  over  £170  for  a  traditional  bank.  Tom   launching  their own new digital  banks.
        only banks  are  accelerating  customer   Merry, managing director  at  Accenture   “Core challenges in terms of balance sheet
        acquisition  at  a  current growth rate of   Strategy, said: “While digital-only  banks   scale and funding,  risk  management  and
        170% as they launch new products, widen   are popular,  they  are not yet universally   compliance cast some doubt over whether
        their  customer  base beyond  millennial   profitable and customer acquisition alone   convenience, customer experience and the
        and expand into  new markets.  A number   does not guarantee long-term success or   cost advantages of digital-only banks are
        have cited that their average customer is   competitive agility. These banks evidently   enough  to ensure long-term success. It
        aged around the mid-40s, and many reside   show great  promise.  They  have  been  a   remains to be seen whether there will be a
        outside of London. These players have also   catalyst  for positive change  in  banking,   radical overhaul of the banking industry as
        increased the average deposit  balance   but there are deeper  issues that  need  to   a result of these new entrants, or simply a
                                             be addressed as  they  scale.” Challenges   continued evolution,” concluded Merry.
                                             impacting digital-only  banks  include   Methodology
                                             the reality  that the majority  are still  not   Accenture analyzed market data  from a
                                             profitable and are on average losing £9 per   representative sample of 30 UK  banks.
                                             customer. Account switching remains low   All data has been sourced  from publicly
                                             across the industry and while digital-only   available  information,  including  financial
                                             banks  are  now gaining primary  account   reports  and media publications.  Data  is
                                             customers  and larger balances,  the pace   accurate at the time of publication. Growth
                                             of growth is slow.  Regulatory hurdles   rates for digital  banks were calculated
                                             may grow in response to governance and   using a  12-month average  between H1
                                             control issues these  banks face as they   2018 and H1 2019.
                                             scale, which could impact consumer trust

        Julie  Sweet Assumes CEO  Role  at Accenture;  David  Rowland  Becomes
        Executive Chairman

        Julie  Sweet  has  assumed  the  role  of  chief  executive  officer  of
        Accenture  and  joined  the  Company’s  Board  of  Directors.  She
        succeeds David Rowland, who has assumed the role of executive
        chairman  after  serving  as  Interim  Chief  executive  Officer  since
        January  10.  Marge  Magner,  Non-Executive  Chair  of  the  Board
        since  January 10, has resumed  her  previous role  as Lead
        Independent Director. These appointments were first announced
        on July 11.  Since  2015, Sweet has served as  Chief  Executive
        Officer of Accenture’s business in North America, the company’s
        largest geographic market.  Previously,  she was  Accenture’s
        General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer for five
        years. Outside of Accenture, Sweet is a leader on topics including   around the world and with key external groups. Throughout his
        innovation, technology’s impact on business, and inclusion and   36-year  career  with  Accenture,  Rowland  has  held  significant
        diversity. As Executive Chairman, Rowland will chair the Board of   leadership roles, including serving as CFO from July 2013 to Jan.
        Directors,  continue to be actively  involved in Accenture’s  long-  2019, and played a major role in shaping the company’s growth
        term business strategy, and represent the company with clients   strategy.

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